5-2 护身符和象征:颜色(在线收听

Charms and Symbols



Color  Colors can influence more than your mood. Each color has a special significance in attracting, or repelling1, the power of the planets.


Black  Saturn2 is attracted by black, and because Saturn has a negative effect on children, youngsters are cautioned never to wear black clothing. It is a good color, however, for persons born under the signs of Libra3, Aquarius4, or Capricorn5.


Blue  The color associated with Venus as well as the color of the sky, blue has been sacred in religions dating back to prehistoric times. Today it is associated with the Virgin Mary6. We sometimes say we are "blue" when we are less than happy. Still, blue is a happy, even lucky color for most of us. And when we have unexpected good luck, we often say it came "out of the blue7." It is an especially lucky color for people born under the signs of Aquarius, Libra, and Taurus8.


Blue neckbands9 have been worn for centuries by nursing mothers in parts of Europe. They believe the color protects their babies from fevers. And what bride would tempt fate10 by walking down the aisle11 without "something borrowed, something blue12" ?



1.repel [ri5pel] vt. vi. 抵拒抗御驱除

2.Saturn [5sAtE(:)n] n. [] 土星

3.Libra [5laibrE] n. [] 天秤

4.Aquarius [E5kwZEriEs] n. [] 宝瓶

5.Capricorn [5kAprIkC:n] n. [] 摩羯

6.Virgin Mary基督教圣母马利亚

7.out of the blue 出乎意外地突然文中是喜从天降之意

8.Taurus [5tC:rEs] n. [] 金牛

9.neckband [5nekbAnd] n.作装饰用的领圈领巾

10.tempt fate 冒不必要的危险玩命

11.walk down the aisle 行婚礼

12.something borrowedsomething blue 西方流传至今的婚礼习俗之一是新娘佩戴“Something oldsomething newsomething borrowedsomething blue”






颜色 颜色能够影响你的不仅仅是你的情绪。每种颜色在吸引或抵制行星的作用力时都有特殊的意义。

黑色 土星被黑色所吸引。因为土星对孩子有负面影响,所以年轻人被告诫决不要穿黑色的衣服。但是对于出生属于天秤座、宝瓶座或摩羯座的人来说,黑色却是好的颜色。

蓝色 让人联想到金星和天空的蓝色,在史前时期就具有宗教上的神圣意义。如今,人们把它与圣母马利亚联系在一起。我们不大高兴时,有时会说我们blue,表示有些忧郁。但对于我们大多数人来说,蓝色仍然是个象征快乐、甚至吉祥的颜色。当我们有意外的好运时,我们常说喜从天降。对于出生属于宝瓶座、天秤座和金牛座的人来说,蓝色是个特别吉祥的颜色。


