The Ass,the Ox and the Birds(在线收听

    An ass and an ox,fastened to the same yoke,were draging a waggon.While the ox was pulling with all his might he he broke a horn.The ass swore that he had got no help whatever from his weak companion.Exerting himself in the labour,the ox broke the other horn,and at length fell dead on the ground.Presently,the herdsman loaded the ass with the dead ox,and he broke down amid a thousand blows,and stretched in the middle of the road,expired.The birds flying to the prey,exclaimed,“If you had shown your compassion to the ox when he entreated you,you would not have died untimely and be- come food to us.”
    ① While the ox was pulling with all his might,he broke his twohorns at the same time.② The ass swore at the ox because he didn't get any help fromthe ox.③ The ass broke down amid a thousand blows,still living.④ If the ass had shown his compassion to the ox when the ox en- treated him,the ass would not have been food for the birds.
