中级听力 unit1添加文本(在线收听

  UNIT 1
  PART ONE Talking about Oneself
  1.A.(Male)In some ways,i'm a typical Japanese teenager. I go to a public high school and wear a umiform, just like everyone else. I go to school five and a half days a week -- I get Sundays off. I have interests similar to most of my friends: I like to play video games and am a big fan of American movies. Brad Pitt is one of my favorite actors.
  There's one big way I'm different, though. I spent almost six years living outside Japan. My father's company transferred him overseas, and of course we went with him. Living in a foreign culture was really tough at first, but I guess I'm lucky in a way. I learned to speak English, and I made a lot of new friends. So you can see that I'm really quite a bit different from my classmates!
