
1. Top Goldman Sachs officials are finding no allies on a Senate panel investigating its role in the nation's financial crisis. Democratic senator Carl Levin says the investment banking firm wreaked havoc on the economy. The committee chairman says Goldman's conduct brings into question the whole system of Wall Street.

2. The Obama administration has launched a full investigation of last week's oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico. The blast left 11 workers missing and presumed dead, and caused a massive oil spill off the Louisiana coast.

3. Fresh out of a Miami prison where he spent two decades, former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega was again behind bars Tuesday - this time, in France, after being extradited from the U.S. who faces charges he laundered cocaine profits by buying luxury apartments in Paris.

4. The only man to admit shooting Malcolm X was freed on parole Tuesday from a Manhattan prison 45 years after he assassinated the civil rights leader. Thomas Hagan, now 69, has repeatedly expressed regret for the 1965 shooting.
