
1. From bad to worse in the Gulf of Mexico, the Coast Guard now says five times more oil a day than previously believed is spewing into the gulf from a blown-out well. The Coast Guard says it's a new leak, giving off 5,000 barrels a day. The leading edge of the oil slick is near the Louisiana coast.

2. Senate Republicans have abandoned their blockage of a financial reform bill, clearing the way for eventual passage. If passed, it will be the most sweeping rewrite of financial rules since the Great Depression. President Obama says the time to act is now.

3. The Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez has been hit by another series of shootings. Prosecutors say gunmen stormed into a bar early Wednesday, dragged eight people to the parking lot and shot them to death. Drug violence has led to 800 people being killed this year in the city of 1.3 million people.

4. New rules limiting the time passengers can wait in planes on tarmacs go into effect today. The new rule says three hours is the limit before airlines will be fine. Transportation Secretary Ray Lahood is promising tough enforcement.
