听动感英语学口语 第74讲(在线收听


stereo sound  立体音


剧中:I got us a way out of this mess!

a way out of this mess  :  摆脱麻烦的出路; mess:在这儿指不好的事情

e.g. : <1>The traffic is terrible today,we need to find a way out of this mess.

       <2>I have 3 exams and an interview tomorrow,I really need a way out of this mess.


1.剧中:Just get over here and help me!

get over : 来这里

e.g. <1>I need you  get over to my office to help me with this report together.

       <2>Can you  get over my place and then we'll go to the party.

2.剧中:Somebody's certainly been a busy bee.

busy bee : 忙碌而有效率

e.g. <1>He's not much of a busy bee.It always takes him hours to do a small piece of work. 

      <2>I was a real busy bee yesterday and painted the whole house.


Strange Things

I was on top of the world.
It was right in my pocket.
I was living the lift.
Things were just the way they should be.
