英语播客EnglishPod 202(在线收听

 A:    We’ve been over this a thousand times. The data
       is irrefutable! Look,  we’ve done extensive re-
       search, built studies, and read the literature, and
       there is conclusive evidence to support my theory!

 B:    Horowitz, I beg to differ. Even in your most recent
       study, the investigative approach was flawed! You
       know as well as I do that the collection of data
       was not systematic, and there is a large margin
       of error. To draw a definitive conclusion based on
       that data would be misleading

 A:    That is preposterous!

 B:    You are trying to single-handedly solve one of the
       world’s greatest mysteries, and yet you are oblivi-
       ous to the fact that you are wrong!

 A:     I am not wrong! The chicken came first!
 B:     No! The egg came first!
