英语播客EnglishPod 310(在线收听

 A:    Welcome ski lovers of all ages!  My name is Rick
        Fields and here with me is the man that needs no
        introduction, Bob Copeland.

 B:    Thank you, Rick! What a beautiful day here in
       Aspen, Colorado where the sun is shinning, and
       we’ve got twelve inches of fresh powder. It doesn’t
       get much better than this.

 A:    That’s right, Bob, but today we have a special treat
       for our viewers.  We’re joined here by Ian Roussy,
       the four-time giant slalom champion.  And on this
       special edition of the show, Ian is going to teach
        us the basics of skiing! So, let’s hit the slopes!

 C:    Well, first off, let’s get those boots on.  You’re go-
        ing to want to make sure your boot  fit snugly.
       That’s  right; now  snap  them  into  your  bindings.
       And you’re also going to want a good pair of gog-
       gles to protect your eyes.  It’s a bright day today,
       so there’s going to be a lot of glare out there on
       the slopes. We don’t want you hitting any of those
 A:     Bob, since you’re a beginner skier and might take
       a few spills, it is a good idea to have a good warm
        pair of dry ski gloves.

 C:     Easy there, Rick! Well, let’s head on over to the
       chairlift, and test your skills! All right, we’re  up
        here on the bunny hill, so, Bob, why don’t you do
       a few snow-plow turns. Gnarly run,  Rick! Nice
       carving! You’ve got some mad skills!  That  was

 A:    You wanna see gnarley? Well, see that bump over
       there, I’m going to catch some major air.

 C:     Butt plant!

 B:     Ha ha ha! He lost his skis! Yard sale!!!
 A:    Ahem,  well. Thanks for joining us here today, I
       think that about does it. Bob, Ian, time for some
       apr ès-ski?

 C:     No way, man! We’re off to grab some freshies!!!
