
1. President Barack Obama toured the white sand beaches of the Florida Panhandle Tuesday, vowing to fight the oil spill with (quote) "everything we got." The president spoke in Pensacola to wrap up a two-day visit to the Gulf Coast before returning to Washington for a prime time address. A new poll found the majority of Americans disapprove of the president's handling of the spill, though far more blame BP for a sluggish cleanup.

2. Lawmakers on Capitol Hill aren't much happy with other big oil companies, claiming they are no better prepared than BP to prevent a disaster. Executives from Chevron, Shell, Exxon and others are testifying before a House committee, its chairman called their spill response plans nothing more than paper exercises.

3. The death toll in days of ethnic rioting in the Kyrgyzstan city of Osh could be several times higher than previously thought. The country's interim president says the official count of 171 dead is likely much too low because many Muslim families keep a tradition to bury relatives the same day they die.

4. A rodent expert says most of lower Manhattan subways are infested with rats. Hundreds of them can live in just one wall of the rooms used to store collected trash. New York City officials say they are working to control the infestation.
