英语播客EnglishPod 487(在线收听

 A:    Well that was an interesting documentary!

 B:     For sure! I didn’t really understand some ofthe
       technical jargon they used inthe film when they
       talked about social security in the US.

 A:     Like what?

 B:    Well, they mentioned how people put away money
        in something called a 401K?

 A:    Yeah, I know it sounds weird, but a 401k is a type
       of retirement plan that allows employees to save
       and invest for their own retirement Through a you
       can authorize your employer to deduct a certain
       amount of money from your paycheck and invest
        it inthe plan Everyone tries to contribute as much
       as possible so that when you retire, you can rest
        peacefully on your nest egg.

 B:    That’s interesting and logical I guess. In my coun-
       try,  we also have to contribute to a government-
        run retirement fund, but most people don’t really
       trust  itso  they  just  invest  in  properties  or  things
        like that.

 A:    That seems a bit unstable don’t you think?
