新编大学英语听力2 unit9(在线收听

[00:02.88]Gender Differences
[00:06.37]Part Two
[00:09.86]Listening-Centered Activities
[00:14.22]Listening I
[00:17.82]Exercise 2
[00:25.13]Listen to the story and rearrange the sentences in chronological order
[00:32.58]Three guys are out having a relaxing day fishine
[00:38.56]Out of the blue,
[00:41.87]they catch a mermaid
[00:45.58]who begs to be set free in return for granting each of them a wish.
[00:52.70]Now one of the guys just doesn't believe it , and says
[00:58.46]"OK, if you can really grant wishes, then double my IQ
[01:06.17]The mermaid says:" Done.
[01:10.45]Suddenly, the guy starts to recite flawless Shakespeare followed by a short pause
[01:18.19]and an extremely insightful analysis of it
[01:23.34]The second guy is so amazed that he says to the mermaid:" Hey, triple my IQ
[01:32.56]The mermaid says:"Done
[01:36.80]They guy begins pouring out all the mathematical solutions to problems
[01:44.08]that have puzzled scientists of varying fields
[01:49.76]physics, chemistry and astronomy.
[01:54.95]The last guy is so interested in the changes in his friends
[02:00.71]that he says to the mermaid:"Quintuple my IQ
[02:07.48]The mermaid looks at him and says:" You know,
[02:12.98]I normally don't try to change people's minds when they make a wish,
[02:19.25]but I really wish you'd reconsider."
[02:23.78]The guy says:" No, I want you to increase my IQ five times, and if you don't do it,
[02:33.11]I won't set you free
[02:37.03]"Please, " says the mermaid, "you don't know what you're asking .
[02:43.84]It'll change your entire view of the univers
[02:49.74]Won't you ask for something else...A million dollars, anything?"
[02:55.64]But no matter what the mermaid says,
[03:00.32]the guy insists on having his IQ increased by five times its usual power
[03:08.96]So the mermaid sighs and says:"Done." And he becomes a woman.
[03:18.14]Exercise 3
[03:25.13]Listen to the story again and work in groups to answer the questions
[03:31.32]or complete the sentences given.
[03:35.53]1) What changes do they undergo?
[03:41.11]2) What is the implication of the ending of the story?
[03:47.84]3) What do you think of the implication? Explain your answer.
[03:55.44]Listening II
[03:58.86]Exercise 1
[04:05.92]Listen to the interview and fill in the following table
[04:11.50]with the information you get from the tape.
[04:16.36]M: Do you think that women are naturally better at certain things than men?
[04:22.62]W: Well,
[04:25.36]it seems to me women are much better at dealing with more than one thing at a time
[04:32.77]I don't know whether this has to do with the difference in their brain
[04:38.60]or whether it's just how they have to cope more often with more than one thing
[04:45.05]For example, it is usually women who work, have babies
[04:51.92]look after the babies and take the main responsibility for looking after the home
[04:58.51]And maybe it's practicing all that
[05:03.37]that makes women better able to do more than one thing at a time
[05:08.95]Men, it seems to me, can only concentrate on one thing at a time
[05:16.91]including boring domestic things like washing the dishe
[05:22.60]If a friend of mine who's man washes the dishes
[05:28.03]he'll find it quite difficult to conduct a conversation at the same time
[05:35.05]whereas if I'm doing the dishes I'm always talking to someone
[05:40.81]probably cooking something as well, and finding that not too stressful.
[05:47.36]M: Do your think women are more interested in personal relationships than men?
[05:54.56]W: Generally, yes,
[05:57.98]though again I don't know if this is because from an early age
[06:04.36]they're taught to please other people whereas men are taught to please themselve
[06:11.20]I think relationships are more central to most women's live
[06:16.88]For examlpe,
[06:20.84]I think men don't have very good conversations with each other,whereas women do
[06:27.58]If you listen to women talking

[06:32.08]often they'll be having, after a relatively short time of knowing each other
[06:38.74]fairly personal and truthful conversations,
[06:43.60]whereas men have conversations not about what I'd call real things
[06:50.33]They'll talk about their work in a very superficial way
[06:55.94]or their interests in a very superficial way, for example and football is the--um--
[07:04.69]just a sort of way for men to relate to each other
[07:10.31]without actually saying anything important, it seems to me.
[07:15.71]Exercise 2
[07:22.44]Listen to the interview again and discuss the questions in pairs.
[07:29.03]According to the woman
