AP 2010-07-18(在线收听

1. New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner died Tuesday at the age of 80. A person close to him says he suffered a heart attack in Tampa. The polarizing figure rebuilt the Yankees into a sports empire over the last three decades.


2. As BP starts testing a new cap on the leaking Gulf oil well, the Obama administration has sent BP and other parties another bill for the cleanup and recovery efforts. This one totals nearly 100 million dollars.


3. The 19-year-old known as the 'Barefoot Bandit' will be deported to the US to face prosecution on a litany of charges. The teenage fugitive has pleaded guilty to a minor offense in the Bahamas, where he was caught after an alleged two-year crime spree.


4. Heavy rain collapsed several tents at a brand-new camp outside the Haitian capital. The area houses thousands of homeless Haitians displaced in the earthquake six months ago. Angry residents want to know why they were moved to the remote location 15 miles north of Port-au-Prince
