AP 2010-07-20(在线收听

1. BP says oil from its broken well has stopped gushing into the Gulf of Mexico for the first time since April. The company will continue testing the new custom-fitted cap over the next few days. The cap is just a temporary fix before crews permanently clog the blown-out well.


2. A massive package of Wall Street reforms is ready for President Barack Obama's signature. The Senate passed the measure Thursday, almost two years after a financial crisis knocked the economy into a recession.


3. Startling footage from a Japanese aquarium. Tourists watched in horror as a dolphin suddenly leapt out of a tank during a marine show earlier this month. Workers say the dolphin only suffered minor bruises.


4. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s spokesman says detectives investigating Mel Gibson are trying to authenticate audio recordings allegedly of the actor berating his ex-girlfriend for possible criminal case. Detectives received the tapes Thursday from a court hearing in the former couple's child custody case
