学个词Learn a Word 第624期 Unique(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是unique。 Unique, 独特的。 "A unique opportunity," 少有的机会。 "A unique style," 别具特色的风格。圣诞节一大早,是孩子们拆礼物的好时候。 "Parents are all looking for that unique Christmas gift that is sure to lighten up their kids' face," 做父母的总希望为孩子们准备一些独特的圣诞礼物,给他们带来笑容。什么样的礼物才能算独特呢? "The unique wish of a three-year-old girl came true when her daddy came back from Iraq for the holidays," 一个三岁小女孩圣诞节的独特愿望居然实现了,她的爸爸从伊拉克回家,来跟她一起过节。好的,今天我们学习的词是unique...
