感悟人生-Unit 31 Never Forget Little Things 勿忘小事(在线收听

Little lads' and little maids, 小伙们姑娘们,

Honest every one wants to be; 谁都希望成为诚实的人;

Only learns the following rule, 只要学会下面的原则,

A bright future you'll see. 你就会有光辉的前程。

Little letters form a thought, 小小字母构成点滴思想,

Little thoughts,a book; 点滴思想变成宏篇巨著;

Little drops make a trickle, 滴滴水珠汇成涓涓细流,

little trickles,lake or brook. 涓涓细流汇成滔滔江湖。

Little seconds form minutes, 一秒一秒构成一分,

Little minutes make hours; 分分秒秒构成时辰;

Little seeds form trees, 一粒粒种子长成树木,

And grow into fine flowers. 盛开出美丽的花朵。

Every doing forms a deed, 一件件小事汇成伟业,

Every deed makes a little thing; 惊天动地来自点滴小事;

Notice every word and act, 注意自己的一言一行,

you'll have a beautiful spring. 你就会拥有美丽的春天。
