每天一点英文 28 love is more thicker than forget(在线收听

Love is more thicker than forget 爱情比忘却厚

More thinner than recall 比回忆薄

More seldom than a wave is wet 比潮湿的波浪少

More frequent than to fail 比失败多

It is most mad and moonly 它最痴癫最疯狂

And less it shall unbe 但比起所有

Than all the sea which only 比海洋更深的海洋

Is deeper than the sea 它更为长久

Love is less always than to win 爱情总比胜利少见

Less never than alive 却比活着多些

Less bigger than the least begin 不大于无法开始

Less littler than forgive 不小于谅解

It is most sane and sunly 他最明朗最清晰

And more it cannot die 而比起所有

Than all the sky which only 比天空更高的天空

Is higher than the sky 他更为不朽
