疯狂英语突破功能 对话突破 2(在线收听

[00:-1.00]1.How Long Will It Take to Learn English
[00:-2.00]A:How long will it take to learn English?Will I be able to take other courses next semester or will English take up all of my time?
[00:-3.00]B:It's hard to say.Language isn't like other studies.
[00:-4.00]A:You mean I could finish this course and still not know English?You've got to be kidding!
[00:-5.00]B:I'm not kidding.Learning a language is a question of forming language habits and that takes time.
[00:-6.00]A:So do we have to stay in this English class forever?
[00:-7.00]B:No.You just have to stay here long enough to get some orientation.Then you go on practicing and learning outside.A lot of learning depends on your personal motivation.
[00:-8.00]A:So it's really the same story.Practice,practice,practice and more practice is the only way to learn a language.
[00:-9.00]B:You said it.
[00:10.00]2.Americans Have So Much Money
[00:11.00]A:I used to think that Americans had so much money they didn't know what to do with it.
[00:12.00]B:You did?
[00:13.00]A:Yes.But now I've learned differently.Now I have a more realistic opinion.
[00:14.00]B:What do you think now?
[00:15.00]A:There are lots of jobs,and almost everybody works.There is a high standard of living.People earn a lot,but they spend a lot to live.So there isn't so much money after all.
[00:16.00]B:But I still say Americans spend a lot more money on useless things than we Chinese do.
[00:17.00]A:That's true.But Americans work hard for their money like we do.I don't know why our spending habits are so different.
[00:18.00]3.Could You Explain a Little More
[00:19.00]A:What do you think is harder,reading or writing?
[00:20.00]B:Well,they're completely different.Reading is passive,and writing is active.
[00:21.00]A:I don't think I understand what you mean.Could you explain a little more?
[00:22.00]B:In reading you need to recognize language by seeing the words on the page and knowing what they are.In writing you have to produce language,you have to create your own words on a blank page.
[00:23.00]A:Oh,now I see what you mean.When you're reading,you are just looking,but when you are writing,you are actually doing something!
[00:24.00]B:A reading knowledge of a language is larger and different from a writing knowledge.Don't you think so?
[00:25.00]A:I think I see what you mean.I can read Shakespeare but I definitely can't write it.
[00:27.00]A:So I have another question for you.What do you think is harder,speaking or understanding?
[00:28.00]B:They're both harder than reading or writing.
[00:29.00]A:In what way?
[00:30.00]B:Because they are direct communication with another person,and there's a time limit.This time limit is the most serious problem for foreigners,even for those who know lots of English.
[00:31.00]A:You are making me feel really discouraged.
[00:32.00]B:I'm not trying to discourage you.I'm trying to help you.You have to live with these difficulties.Isn't it better to know about them?The more you know about what you have to face,the better you'll do.I promise!
[00:33.00]4.Don't Worry about Making Mistakes
[00:34.00]A:I've always wondered,what's the difference between English for Chinese students and English for native students?
[00:35.00]B:I don't know.What do you think?
[00:36.00]A:I think a Chinese student concentrates on written English,and uses it as a basis for communicating.From start to finish he's learning vocabulary and fundamentals of grammar.This is a very difficult way to learn.
[00:37.00]B:What do natives get?
[00:38.00]A:They get higher level English,which is more formal than everyday spoken English.They also deal with matters of style and creativity.
[00:39.00]B:Do you mean that a native doesn't make any mistakes in grammar?
[00:40.00]A:Absolutely not!Native speakers make a lot of grammar mistakes,especially if they come from a home where nonstandard English is spoken.
[00:41.00]B:I suppose that only a small percentage of college students don't know standard English in American universities.
[00:42.00]A:Actually there are more non-native speakers than you think.That's why it's so important to quit worrying about making mistakes.Just talk to everyone every chance you get.
[00:43.00]5.Are You New in this Class
[00:44.00]A:Hi.Are you new in this class?
[00:45.00]B:Yes,I am.I really don't know anyone.
[00:46.00]A:Did you just arrive in this country?You look a little nervous.
[00:47.00]B:No.I was here last semester,but I didn't find out about this class in time.So I'm taking it this semester.
[00:48.00]A:I took this course last semester too.Now I am taking it again!
[00:49.00]B:How is it?Do you learn anything here?Why are you taking it again?
[00:50.00]A:Wow,you have a lot of questions!I learned a lot.In fact,that's why I am taking it again.I get lots of practice in speaking,and also in writing.I'm sure you'll be glad you took this course.I'll even help you study if you'd like.
[00:51.00]B:That's just what I need.Thanks so much.You've been a big help already.
[00:52.00]6.Tell Me about this Campus
[00:53.00]A:Excuse me,I would like to know something about this campus.Right now it seems very big and confusing.I have no idea where I am going or what I am doing.
[00:54.00]B:Do you have a map of the campus?
[00:55.00]A:Yes,I have,but it doesn't help me very much.I'm not very good at reading maps.
[00:56.00]B:Do you know where your classes are?
[00:57.00]A:More or less.I go to three different buildings,and always get there late.I feel so hopeless.I don't know why I am late all the time,no one else seems to be.
[00:58.00]B:That's because you don't know the short cuts.You'll learn them after a while.I can show you the ropes.
[00:59.00]7.I'm Afraid to Speak English
[-1:00.00]A:Can I ask you a question?
[-1:-1.00]B:Sure,go ahead.
[-1:-2.00]A:How do you get along with the American students in your classes?
[-1:-3.00]B:I don't have much contact with them.
[-1:-4.00]A:Really?Why not?Don't you go up and talk to them?
[-1:-5.00]B:No,I don't.I'm too afraid of making mistakes in English.I don't want to be laughed at.
[-1:-6.00]A:You won't get anywhere that way.You're the one who needs to practice English,so you should make the first move.Besides,most American students are really friendly and outgoing.They will be glad to talk to you.
[-1:-7.00]B:Thanks for the advice.I guess you're right.It's just hard to overcome my shyness.I really will try from now on.I promise.
[-1:-8.00]8.What Does the Paper Say
[-1:-9.00]A:Good morning.
[-1:10.00]B:Good morning.
[-1:11.00]A:What does the paper say?
[-1:12.00]B:Nothing much-the same old stuff.A lot of bad news as usual.
[-1:13.00]A:Well,what's the weather report?
[-1:14.00]B:Sunny and mild today,cloudy and rainy tomorrow.
[-1:15.00]A:Did they find those bank robbers?
[-1:16.00]B:Not yet.They were holding two men in Ohio,but they let them go.They weren't the criminals after all.
[-1:17.00]A:What about the sports page?What were the scores of last night's games?
[-1:18.00]B:Here's the paper,you can read them yourself.
[-1:19.00]9.I Worry about Everything
[-1:20.00]A:I really want to take a nap,I feel very sleepy today.
[-1:21.00]B:What's the matter?Didn't you get enough sleep last night?
[-1:22.00]A:I fell asleep very late.It was almost two o'clock in the morning when I finally fell asleep.
[-1:23.00]B:Are you worried about something?Why couldn't you sleep?
[-1:24.00]A:You know how it is when you're in a strange country.Everything is new,and you get tired and nervous sometimes.
[-1:25.00]Then you worry about your family,about conditions back home,about your courses,about your money,about everything.I tried to fall asleep but I just had too much on my mind.
[-1:26.00]B:Well,take it easy.Things will look better tomorrow.Maybe you should try exercising or a hot bath to help you relax.
[-1:27.00]A:Anything is worth a try.But right now I really just want to find a quiet place to take a nap.
[-1:28.00]10.All Americans Look Alike
[-1:29.00]A:I really think all Americans look alike.
[-1:30.00]B:You're crazy!You haven't been here long enough.
[-1:31.00]A:But they do.
[-1:32.00]B:What makes you say that?
[-1:33.00]A:They wear the same clothes;they're all blond;they all drive cars;they all own Parker fountain pens;they all drink Coca Cola;and they all chew gum.
[-1:34.00]B:I disagree with you.They don't all wear the same clothes;they're definitely not all blond;they don't all own Parker fountain pens;they don't all drink Coca Cola,and they don't all chew gum.
[-1:35.00]I do think they all drive cars though!But that doesn't have anything to do with how they look!
[-1:36.00]A:Maybe I am just homesick.I know you're right.I just miss China,that's all.
[-1:37.00]11.I Never Know When to Shake Hands
[-1:38.00]A:I have a real problem when I meet people.
[-1:39.00]B:What is it?Maybe I can help.
[-1:40.00]A:I never know when to shake hands and when not to.Can you tell me something about it?
[-1:41.00]B:Do you come from a country where they shake hands?
[-1:42.00]A:Oh yes.Men,women,and children shake hands all the time.
[-1:43.00]B:It's very simple.Men shake hands,women and children don't.
[-1:44.00]A:But some women do shake hands.And now a lot of children have such good manners,they shake hands too.
[-1:45.00]B:Well,a good rule to follow is,for men you hold out your hand,for women and children,you wait and see what they do.
[-1:46.00]A:That sounds easy enough.
[-1:47.00]B:Sure.Once you get the hang of it,it's a piece of cake!It's nothing to worry about.
[-1:48.00]12.Have You Got a Scholarship
[-1:49.00]A:Do you mind if I ask you a question?If it's too personal you can forget it.
[-1:50.00]B:I don't mind at all.You can ask me anything.We're friends.
[-1:51.00]A:Have you got a scholarship,or are you on your own?
[-1:52.00]B:I have a scholarship from my government for four years.How about you?
[-1:53.00]A:I have a tuition scholarship from the university.Otherwise I'm on my own.
[-1:54.00]B:Do you mean that you're self-supporting?I didn't even know you had a job!
[-1:55.00]A:Oh no.My family supports me.And believe me,changing foreign money into dollars is heart breaking.You seem to get so little in return.
[-1:56.00]B:Yeah,I really know the feeling.I can't wait to graduate so I can get a good job and earn my own money.
[-1:57.00]13.How Do You Improve Your English
[-1:58.00]A:Do you mind if I ask you a question?
[-1:59.00]B:No,not at all.Go ahead.
[-2:00.00]A:What do you do in order to improve your English?
[-2:-1.00]B:I go to movies;I go to lectures;I listen to the radio;I do lots of things.Most importantly,I practice every chance I get.
[-2:-2.00]A:It's a good idea to have a radio,isn't it?
[-2:-3.00]B:Sure.It's like understanding on the telephone-you can't see the speaker!It's great for improving listening comprehension.
[-2:-4.00]A:It takes a long time to learn a language,doesn't it?
[-2:-5.00]B:It certainly does.But if you practice speaking every spare minute and learn useful sentences every day you can make big progress.
[-2:-6.00]14.What Words Do I Need to Know
[-2:-7.00]A:I was wondering if you could help me with something.
[-2:-8.00]B:Sure,anything you say.
[-2:-9.00]A:Actually,it's a little bit silly.
[-2:10.00]B:Don't worry about it,just ask.
[-2:11.00]A:What words do I need to know to buy a pair of shoes?
[-2:12.00]B:You need to know the type of shoes you want.
[-2:13.00]A:Don't worry about that.I can point it out in the store.
[-2:14.00]B:The shoes can be comfortable or not comfortable,too wide,too narrow,or just right;and long or short.In girls shoes,the heel can be high or low.
[-2:15.00]A:Let me write all that down.I'm going shopping this afternoon.
[-2:16.00]15.Are Americans Romantic
[-2:17.00]A:You know,I really don't think Americans are very romantic.
[-2:18.00]B:Where did you get that idea?
[-2:19.00]A:That's the impression I get from the movies,and from looking around.Men and women seem very businesslike in their relations with each other.
[-2:20.00]B:Well,I'm still not sure what you're asking me.
[-2:21.00]A:Is it true or isn't it?
[-2:22.00]B:Do you want to know something about the American character?
[-2:23.00]A:I just think you're trying to change the subject.But go ahead.
[-2:24.00]B:No,this will help answer your question.In American society boys and girls are raised together.They're not segregated in their activities!Boys and girls go out together from an early age.
[-2:25.00]A:OK,go on.
[-2:26.00]B:After being raised together,men and women can be businesslike in each other's company.It really doesn't have anything to do with the way a man and woman behave toward each other when they are in love.Does that answer your question?
[-2:27.00]A:Not exactly,but I see your point.
[-2:28.00]B:I think Americans are pretty romantic when they are in a relationship and a lot of flirting goes on in every office.After you've been in America for a while,you will probably see what I mean.
[-2:29.00]16.We're Starting a Soccer Team
[-2:30.00]A:Hi Jim.Do you have a minute?
[-2:31.00]B:Sure,what's up?
[-2:32.00]A:Some of us are going to start a soccer team.Would you like to join us?
[-2:33.00]B:I don't know anything about it.Soccer isn't as popular in my country as it is here.
[-2:34.00]A:That's all right.We'll teach you.
[-2:35.00]B:Is it anything like American football?
[-2:36.00]A:Not very much.It's something like hockey,except that you use a big ball and no stick.
[-2:37.00]B:I'll come down and watch you play some day,and see what it's like.
[-2:38.00]A:Good idea.I think you'll like it if you give it a chance.
[-2:39.00]17.How Do I Get to the Bank
[-2:40.00]A:Pardon me,Ma'am.Can you tell me how to get to the Business Bank?
[-2:41.00]B:Sure.Turn right at the next corner,and keep on going for two blocks.
[-2:42.00]A:Which side of the street is it on?
[-2:43.00]B:The left-hand side.It's on a corner.Are you a stranger in town?
[-2:44.00]A:I'm a stranger in this country.I just arrived from China.
[-2:45.00]B:My God!You are far from home!
[-2:46.00]18.How Often Do the Buses Run
[-2:47.00]A:Excuse me,could you answer a few questions for me?
[-2:49.00]A:How often do the buses run?
[-2:50.00]B:They come by every fifteen or twenty minutes.
[-2:51.00]A:How late do they run?
[-2:52.00]B:Till around midnight,I think.
[-2:53.00]A:How much is the fare?
[-2:54.00]B:A dollar.
[-2:55.00]A:OK,thanks.You've really been a big help.I'm sorry to bother you.
[-2:56.00]19.I'm Just Feeling Homesick
[-2:57.00]A:Hi,John.What's up?
[-2:58.00]B:Hi.Not much.I'm just miserable as usual.
[-2:59.00]A:What's the matter with you?Don't you feel well?
[-3:00.00]B:I feel terrible.I can't get used to the food,I can't get along with the people here.I don't like these customs-I wish I were back home.
[-3:-1.00]A:Do you eat everything back home?Have you got lots of friends in your country?
[-3:-2.00]B:What are you trying to say?
[-3:-3.00]A:That maybe you have some of these same feelings back home.They just seem stronger now because you're in a strange place.Have you thought about it?
[-3:-4.00]B:No,I guess I feel this way at home sometimes too.
[-3:-5.00]A:Maybe you're just in a bad mood.Don't worry.It will pass.
[-3:-6.00]B:I hope so.
[-3:-7.00]A:Why don't you do something you enjoy to take your mind off your troubles?
[-3:-8.00]B:Thanks for the advice.I'm just feeling homesick I guess.
[-3:-9.00]20.America Is So Different from China
[-3:10.00]A:Hi,Jim,how are you doing?
[-3:11.00]B:Not too bad.It's hard getting used to so many things.America is so different from China.
[-3:12.00]A:How do American students compare with students in your country?
[-3:13.00]B:Our students are more serious.Much more serious.
[-3:14.00]A:What outside interests do they have?
[-3:15.00]B:Some students are interested in music,sports or relationships,but there really isn't much time to pursue outside interests.
[-3:16.00]A:Wow!That is different from America.
[-3:17.00]B:It's just one difference.
[-3:18.00]A:Well,I'm sure having extra free time shouldn't be too tough to get used to.
[-3:19.00]B:No,it will be great.I am already thinking about all the great things I can do.
[-3:20.00]A:Just don't get carried away and forget all about your studies.

