CNN 2010-08-16(在线收听

Task force investigators coordinated with TSA authorities and discovered the suspect's name was in a database, showing a ticket had recently been purchased from Atlanta to Tel Aviv in the suspect's name. Suspect was loadedd, huh...located, rather, at the boarding gate, of the Atlanta's Hartsfield airport and was called to the front of the boarding area where he surrendered without incident to customs agents. He's being held in the Forten County jail, pending extradition back to Michigan.


Iranian State TV broadcasted portions of an interview with Sakineh Mahamadi Ashtiani. She is the 43-year-old mother of two sentenced to death by stoning, after being convicted guilty of committing adultery. And in the interview, she said she was also an unwitting accomplice to the murder of her husband several years ago. She also denounces one of her defense attorneys, Mahamad Mostafaei. We spoke with Mahamad Mostafaei here in Norway where he was recently granted asylum after he fled Iran and he says that Iranian authorities forced Ms. Ashtiani to make this televised statement.


Honestly, it was horrifing, it was chaotic,  to be someone that waited in line patiently, you know that was orderly, it was, I was scared for my life, I was terrified.


People passing out, I, for a minute, I thought I was gonna lose my life in the crowd, trying to get a package, people are knocking you down,  just all kinds of things like this, there's chaos out here,  and this shouldn't even be legal.

