听名著练听力之简爱篇 第85期(在线收听

St. John's Secret

"But perhaps you are lonely." he said.
"I'm not lonely yet, and I'm sure I'll be very busy with my work."
"Well, I think you should work hard. [-----1-----]. A year ago, I was unhappy also. The quiet life in the country was boring to me, and I thought about changing my work. Suddenly I realized that God had an answer for me. He was telling me to be a missionary! No work is greater than that! Since then, I have been happy, getting ready to leave England and traveling around the world, serving God. But... I do have one human problem. I have promised God I will overcome this problem in my life."
I was listening to him so closely that I did not hear the sounds of someone walking nearby. "Good evening, Mr. Rivers!" said a sweet voice. [-----2-----], and then truned slowly to face the person. A girl dressed in white whas standing there. When she took off her hat, we saw her beautiful face. St. John's face turned red, and he looked at the ground as he said, "It is a lovely evening, but isn't it late for you to be outside alone?"
"Oh, Father told me there was a new girls' school, and I just had to see it! I wanted to meet the new teacher. That must be you," she said to me, smiling. "Do you like your little house, and the students?" I knew that this must be Miss Oliver, [-----3-----].
