学个词Learn a Word 第867期 in the wake of(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是in the wake of。 In the wake of, 意思是某件事情发生后。"The company decided to lay off 25,000 employees in the wake of the second quarter loss," 第二季度亏损后,公司决定裁员两万五千人。美国偶像亚军亚当.兰伯特在美国音乐节颁奖典礼上的“限制级”表现引起争议。"Adam Lambert's first album sold well in the wake of his controversial performance," 兰伯特倍具争议的表演后,首张唱片销量很好。

高尔夫球选手老虎.伍兹上星期五凌晨在家门口发生车祸。"In the wake of his car accident, rumors are spreading that Woods was having an affair," 车祸事发后,关于伍兹有外遇的传闻甚嚣尘上。好的,今天我们学习的词是in the wake of...
