65 吹弹即破的以色列-巴勒斯坦停火协议(在线收听

65 吹弹即破的以色列-巴勒斯坦停火协议

Shaky Israeli-Palestinian Cease-Fire Holding
Ross Dunn
23 Jun 2001 19:06 UTC

   U.S. Middle East envoy William Burns has met with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat as part of the international effort to 1)shore up a 2)shaky cease-fire between Israel and the Palestinians. The truce is showing signs of 3)unraveling following a Palestinian suicide bombing that killed two Israeli soldiers on Friday. Also, one Palestinian was shot dead Saturday by Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip.
U.S. envoy Burns met with Palestinian leader Arafat in the West Bank town of Ramallah. Mr. Burns is in the region to 4)pave the way for this coming week's visit to the Middle East by Secretary of State Colin Powell.
Mr. Burns says he wants to strengthen the cease-fire and to encourage Israel and the Palestinians to adopt the measures recommended by an international inquiry headed by former U.S. senator George Mitchell. The Mitchell report calls an immediate 5)cessation of violence, followed by a cooling-off period and then a 6)resumption of peace talks.
Mr. Burns told reporters after his meeting with Mr. Arafat that it is clear neither side can achieve their political goals through violence. "We discussed ways of implementing in a 7)sequence of steps, the Mitchell report, as a means of ending violence, rebuilding confidence, and resuming meaningful 8)negotiations," Mr. Burns said. "It's obvious that there can be no military solution to this problem, that it is only through a political process that security can be re-established and also a return to a more normal life."
Earlier, Mr. Arafat met with a group of six Israeli 9)journalists at his offices in Ramallah. Contradicting what other senior Palestinian officials had said in recent days, he claimed the cease-fire agreement applies to all areas of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Mr. Arafat, however, added that he could not be held accountable for the activities of Palestinian militants against Jewish 10)settlements and Israeli military 11)outposts in the territories, because these areas are not under his security control.
He told the Israeli reporters he had recently stopped Palestinians who had been firing 12)mortars in the Gaza Strip at Israeli targets. He says the mortars had been installed in areas outside the Palestinian Authority and were being fired by members of the Hamas and Islamic Jihad, two groups opposed to any peace 13)deal with Israel.
Hamas has claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing that killed two Israeli soldiers in the Gaza Strip on Friday. Israeli government 14)spokesman Avi Pazner says the incident shows Mr. Arafat is not doing enough to stop the violence that began last September and has left nearly 600 people dead. "Arafat does not give the strict orders necessary for his people, including the Hamas, including the Islamic Jihad," Mr. Pazner said, "for his people to completely stop all attacks and all 15)violations of the cease-fire. This situation is 16)intolerable and we will see to it that it will be rectified."
Following the 17)suicide bombing, Secretary of State Powell telephoned Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who is set to hold talks in Washington on Tuesday. Mr. Powell met last week with top Palestinian Cabinet Minister Nabil Shaath. Mr. Shaath put forward the Palestinian demand for international cease-fire monitors to prevent further 18)outbreaks of violence. "I talked also about the necessity of producing some sort of a third party monitoring on the ground," he said, "in order to really to stop 19)escalation, to prevent flare-ups at the moment they start and produce information to the parties."
Mr. Powell told Mr. Shaath that the 20)priority now is to drastically reduce the level of violence before any peace negotiations can begin, 21)implicitly putting the burden of responsibility on the Palestinians to restore calm.

(1) shore up v.支持
(2) shaky[5FeIkI]adj.不安的, 不可靠的, 震动的, 摇晃的, 动摇的
(3) unravel[Qn5rAv(E)l]v.拆开
(4) pave the way for v.为...铺平道路
(5) cessation[se5seIF(E)n]n.停止
(6) resumption[rI5zQmpF(E)n]n.恢复, 再开始, (中断后)再继续
(7) sequence[5si:kwEns]n.次序, 顺序, 序列
(8) negotiation[nI^EJFI5eIF(E)n]n.商议, 谈判, 流通
(9) journalist[5dV:nElIzt]n.新闻记者, 从事新闻杂志业的人
(10) settlement[5setElmEnt]n.沉降, 解决, 结算
(11) outpost[5aJtpEJst]n.前哨, 边区村落
(12) mortar[5mC:tE(r)]n.臼, 研钵, 灰泥, 迫击炮vt.用灰泥涂抹
(13) deal with v.安排, 处理, 涉及, 做生意
(14) spokesman[5spEJksmEn]n.发言人, 代表者
(15) violation[ 9vaIE`leIFEn ]n.违反, 违背, 妨碍, 侵害
(16) intolerable[In5tRlErEb(E)l]adj.无法忍受的, 难耐的
(17) suicide[5su:IsaId, 5sju:-]n.自杀, 自毁
(18) outbreak[5aJtbreIk]n.(战争的)爆发, (疾病的)发作
(19) escalation[9eskE`leIFLn]n.扩大, 增加
(20) priority[praI5RrItI; (?@) -C:r-]n.先,优先, 优先权
(21) implicitly adv.含蓄地, 暗中地

