66 教皇呼吁乌克兰基督教徒团结一致(在线收听

66 教皇呼吁乌克兰基督教徒团结一致

Pope Appeals for Unity Among Ukrainian Christians
Larry James
24 Jun 2001 11:50 UTC

Pope John Paul the second has called for unity among Ukrainian Christians 1)despite differences in traditions between the country's majority Orthodox and 2)minority Roman Catholics. The 3)papal appeal came during the first open-air mass of his visit to Ukraine. Pope John Paul led Roman Catholic faithful at an open air mass at Chaika airfield just outside the capital.
He called on Christians in Ukraine to rediscover the unity Christianity enjoyed before the Great Schism a thousand years ago. Speaking at times in Ukrainian and at times in Polish the pope said differences in cultures and traditions should be celebrated. "Such differences should only lead to a 4)flourishing of the Christian faith," the pope said. "He also paid 5)tribute to all Christians who suffered during what he called 'the dark days of Communist terror'."
A small crowd estimated at between 20,000 and 30,000 turned out in a 6)chilly rain to attend the Latin Mass, far short of the 350,000 that were 7)predicted.
The service, a 8)milestone in the history of Ukraine's 9)resurgent Catholic church, was the first of several open-air masses planned to be held during the Roman Catholic leader's five-day stay.
The pope also asked Orthodox Christians to forgive Catholics for errors committed in the past. Those remarks, 10)delivered Saturday, came when he said he wanted his trip here to build 11)unity with the Orthodox community.
But the Russian Orthodox church and its Ukrainian affiliates have publicly opposed the Pope's visit. They accuse him of seeking 12)converts to Catholicism, which the pope says is not his intention.

(1) despite[dI5spaIt]prep.不管, 尽管, 不论
(2) minority[maI5nRrItI; (?@) -5nC:r-]n.少数, 少数民族
(3) papal[5peIp(E)l]adj.罗马教皇的, 教皇制度的
(4) flourish[5flQrIF]vi.繁荣, 茂盛,兴旺vt.挥动, 夸耀n.茂盛, 兴旺
(5) tribute[5trIbju:t]n.贡品, 礼物, 颂词, 殷勤, 贡物
(6) chilly[5tFIlI]adj.寒冷的
(7) predict[prI5dIkt]v.预知, 预言, 预报
(8) milestone[5maIlstEJn]n.里程碑, 重要事件, 转折点
(9) resurgent[rI5s:dVEnt]adj.复活的
(10) deliver[dI5lIvE(r)]vt.递送, 发表(一篇演说等)
(11) unity[5ju:nItI]n.团结, 联合, 统一, 一致
(12) convert[5kRnv:t]n.皈依者vt.使转变, 使...改变信仰

