VOA双语新闻 Hamas Wins Local Elections in West Bank(在线收听

The Islamic militant group Hamas has won important victories in West Bank municipal elections. prompting concern for both the Palestinian Authority and Israel.


Hamas won local elections in the West Bank's biggest cities, throwing down the gauntlet to the ruling Fatah party six weeks ahead of landmark parliamentary elections. The Islamic militant group made its strongest showing in the city of Nablus, winning 70 percent of the vote.


Hamas welfare programs and its suicide bombing campaign against Israel have won it popularity at the expense of the Palestinian Authority, which is widely seen as corrupt. "We have to serve the Palestinian people," Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar said. "If they voted for us, we are going to establish a national program in reconstruction, education, health, economy."

哈马斯的福利项目以及针对以色列的自杀炸弹袭击运动为哈马斯赢得民心,而巴勒斯坦当局却蒙受损害。人们普遍认为巴勒斯坦当局贪污腐败。 哈马斯领导人扎哈尔说:“我们必须为巴勒斯坦人服务。如果他们投票支持我们,我们要在重建、教育、健康和经济方面建立一个全国项目。”

But Hamas also seeks the destruction of Israel, so a strong showing in the January 25 elections could have serious consequences for the peace process.


Israeli spokesman Mark Regev told VOA, "Israel's position here is clear. Hamas is a brutal terrorist organization, responsible for countless acts of senseless violence and murder against Israeli civilians, and as long as they are a terrorist organization, armed to the teeth, they are not a legitimate political partner."


Moderate Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas is running on a platform of reviving peace talks with Israel, but his Fatah movement is in disarray. The party has split, with a young generation of charismatic leaders breaking away from the so-called "old guard," headed by Mr. Abbas. The old guard leaders returned from exile with the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat in 1994.


Both Israel and the U.S. see Mr. Abbas as the key to reviving the peace process and ending more than five years of bloodshed. But faced with a growing challenge inside his own party and outside from Hamas, the Palestinian leader is in danger of losing his grip on power.

