新视野大学英语视听说 Unit 1-13(在线收听

V. Let’s Talk
Michael: Hi! I saw you yesterday with John. We room together. I’m Michael.
Jane:   Oh, hi, Mike. How are you doing?
Michael: I’m okay, but school has been really hectic since I came. I haven’t even had a chance to       breathe!
Jane:   I know. It’s especially crazy when you’re a freshman. Hey, what’s your major?
Michael: Travel and tourism.
Jane:   Well, what do you plan to do after you graduate?
Michael: Uh… I really haven’t decided. I think I’d like to work for a travel agency in this area.            What about you?
Jane:   Well, when I first started college. I majored in physics, but later I realized I might have a hard time finding a job in that field. I ended up changing to computer science. Finding a job in the IT industry shouldn’t be as difficult.
Michael: Have you got a part=time job to support yourself through school?
Jane:  Well, I’m on a four-year scholarship that pays my tuition.
Michael: Wow, lucky you!
Jane:   Yeah. How about you? Are you paying for school yourself?
Michael: Sort of. I work weekends at travel agency.
Jane:   A travel agency? That seems like a perfect experience for you! What do you do there?
Michael: I’m a tour guide. I show tour groups around the city.
Jane:   Wow, your English must be pretty good then.
Michael: Actually, they’re all Chinese tourists. That’s why I got the job!



Future Job Plan

Tuition Source


Travel and tourism

To work for a travel agency

Working his way through school


Computer science

To work in the IT industry

A four-year scholarship
