AP 2010-09-27(在线收听

1. President Barack Obama turns his attention to the world stage today. When he delivers a speech at the annual UN General Assembly, Obama is expected to emphasize his efforts to promote peace and stability in Iraq and the Middle East while countering nuclear concerns in Iran and North Korea.


2. Leaders in the Republican Party will unveil a 21-page document today, called their "Pledge to America". The document will outline what Republicans hope to accomplish if the GOP wins control of the House and Senate. Included are ideas to slash taxes and spending while repealing the president's healthcare law.


3. Prosecutors say a college student who allegedly attacked a New York City cab driver because he was Muslim declared himself a patriot after being arrested. Michael Enright pleaded not guilty in court yesterday. Enright 's lawyer says the 21-year-old is struggling with alcoholism.


4. With all of her legal appeals exhausted, Teresa Lewis is scheduled to be executed tonight. The 41-year-old will be the first woman to be executed in Virginia in nearly a century. Lewis was convicted for hiring a hit man to kill her husband and stepson in order to collect on insurance policy.
