100 陪审团考虑如何判决爆炸美国驻赞比亚大使馆的罪犯(在线收听

100 陪审团考虑如何判决爆炸美国驻赞比亚大使馆的罪犯

Jury Begins Consideration of Fate Of Embassy Bomber
Owen Fay
New York
3 Jul 2001 21:11 UTC

A New York City jury is now considering what sentence to 1)impose on a man convicted of bombing the U.S. 2)embassy in Tanzania three years ago. There are only two options: he will either spend the rest of his life in prison or be sentenced to death.
Closing arguments in the 3)penalty phase of this trial have been heard and the jury has retired to consider the fate of Khalfan Khamis Mohamed. Last month he and three others were convicted of involvement in the bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.
Because of the 4)gravity of the crimes the 5)jury can only consider two options: the death penalty or life in prison. A unanimous decision by the 12-member jury is required for an 6)execution, failing that, the prison option will 7)automatically be 8)invoked.
In attempting to persuade the jury to 9)advocate the death penalty, 10)prosecutors said Mohamed has "ice in his veins" and has shown no 11)remorse for his role in the attack that killed 11 people. He continues to pose a threat, argue the government lawyers, even from behind prison 12)bars.
But lawyers acting on Mohamed's behalf want him sent to jail. They 13)claim that an execution will turn Mohamed into a 14)martyr for his cause a cause closely associated with the suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden. "Send him to jail and he'll be forgotten by everyone," said one defense lawyer, "Kill him and you 15)guarantee him 16)immortality".
Although there is no way of 17)accurately guessing what the jury will decide, there is one existing 18)precedent. That is the sentencing of one of the men convicted alongside Mohamed. The same jury has already sentenced Mohamed Rashed Daoud al'Owhali to life in prison for his role in the embassy bombing in Kenya. 10 of the 12 jurors acknowledged that the possibility of turning him into a martyr is what led them to spare his life.

(1) impose on v.利用, 欺骗, 施加于
(2) embassy[5embEsI]n.大使及其随员, 大使的派遣, 大使馆,
(3) penalty[5penEltI]n.处罚, 罚款
(4) gravity[5^rAvItI]n.严重
(5) jury[5dVJErI]n.[律] 陪审团, 评判委员会, 陪审员
(6) execution[eksI5kju:F(E)n]n.实行, 完成, 执行, 死刑
(7) automatically[C:tE5mAtIklI]adv.自动地, 机械地
(8) invoke[In5vEJk]v.调用
(9) advocate[5AdvEkEt]n.提倡者, 鼓吹者vt.提倡, 鼓吹
(10) prosecutor[5prRsIkju:tE(r)]n.检举人
(11) remorse[rI5mC:s]n.懊悔, 自责, 同情, 怜悯
(12) claim[kleIm]n.要求,主张vt.(根据权利)要求, 主张, 需要
(13) martyr[5mB:tE(r)]n.烈士, 殉教者v.杀害, 折磨
(14) bar[bB:(r)]n.条, 棒, 栅, 障碍物vt.禁止, 阻挡
(15) guarantee[^ArEn5ti:]n.保证, 保证书, 担保, 抵押品vt.保证, 担保
(16) immortality[ImC:5tAlEtI]n.不朽, 不朽的声名
(17) accurately adv.正确地, 精确地
(18) precedent[5presIdEnt]n.先例

