凯瑟琳升职记:入职篇之这里一切都没问题(在线收听) |
经理来查看员工的工作情况,看到Tom托着腮帮,在凝神思考,于是就来到他身旁,亲切地问在工作上遇到了什么难题,Tom赶忙站起来,连连挥手说:”没问题,没问题。“并且还补充了一句:Everything here is hunky-dory.一旁的Catherine听到了这句话,但根本不明白Tom在说什么。于是经理走后,她便来到了Tom身边。 Catherine: What did you say to the manager just now? Tom: I said: "Everything here is hunky-dory." hunky-dory is a slang, it means "all right, no problem".
hunky-dory是美国俚语,常用来表示”顶呱呱的,没问题的,挺好的“之类的说法,形容某种局面很令人满意,意思与all right,fine,no problem差不多。所以Everything here is hunky-dory这句话的意思就是”这里一切都很好,没什么问题“。 【英语情景剧】 Carl:Hello, I'm new here. Would you mind telling me something about our company? Amanda:Of course not. Everything here is hunky-dory. Don't worry. |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/kslszj/118449.html |