凯瑟琳升职记:入职篇之我要求加薪却临场退缩了(在线收听) |
Tom为别的员工都升值加薪唯独自己却原地不动感到不平,于是这天去找老板谈话。可是不一会功夫就回来了,Catherine连忙凑过来,小声问情况怎样。Tom有气无力地说:I was going to ask my boss for a raise but I got cold feet. Catherine不大明白,以为Tom脚出了问题,走不得路了。 Catherine: Your feet hurts? Have you seen a doctor? Tom: My goodness! It's not me that need a doctor, it's you! You need a doctor to see your ears. Catherine: Haha, I was kidding you! Tom: Anyway, I said "I got cold feet", it refers to a loss or lack of courage to do something, in other words, to be afraid.
有人对一件事刚开始做的时候很有信心和把握,可是,事到临头就变得没有勇气了。在英文里有个俗语就是用来形容类似情况的,那就是cold feet。cold feet表面是说脚冷,实际上指的是临场胆怯,好比站到讲台上了却两腿发麻不听使唤了,这就是典型的get cold feet。例如:She got cold feet when asked to recite in class.当她被叫起来在班上背诵时害怕了。 【英语情景剧】 Shirley:Honey, some of your colleagues have had a raise. What about you? Benjamin:I was going to ask my boss for a raise but I got cold feet. |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/kslszj/118464.html |