新视野大学英语 读写教程第二册 unit4-a(在线收听

Unit 4

Section A

Pre-reading Activities

First Listening
Please listen to a short passage carefully and prepare to answer some questions.

Second Listening
Listen to the tape again. Then answer the following questions with your own experiences.
1) How many foreign high school students travel to study in America each year?
2) What are their reasons for studying in America?
3) What are the problems the foreign students must cope with when they study in America?

Studying Abroad

Flight 830. Departure 10:45 p.m.
At first glance, this is just another routine flight to Los Angeles, California. Yet for 38 young passengers between fifteen and eighteen years of age, it is the start of a new experience: they will spend 10 months of their lives studying abroad, far from their families.
Every year the United States is host to an average of 78,000 foreign high school level students, of which 3,000 are Brazilian. All of them go for the same reasons — to become fluent in English, complete high school, and understand everything they can about the American way of life. At the end of each semester, as long as the students pass final exams, American authorities grant a certificate, which is recognized in Brazil.
For the majority, the decision to study abroad is taken only after a period of at least six months of careful planning. "For me," says seventeen - year - old Gloria Marcato, "it's more important to learn to speak English and to live through this experience than it is to receive a certificate from the American government." Others dream of continuing on to college. "I want to be a conductor, and I've already chosen the best American music school," specifies Sandro Rodrigo de Barros.
Things, as they say, are not always so easy. Even young students who plan on staying in the United States just long enough to finish two semesters of high school have difficulty finding a host family. Very few arrive in the country with all the details worked out. Gloria Marcato is one of the lucky ones. Before leaving, she had received two letters and some photos of her new "parents." "I think it all depends," says Gloria, "on how you answer the survey sent by the overseas study company here in Brazil. For example, I didn't economize on words. I even wrote about my four dogs, and said I went to church every Sunday." She hit the target. Americans are quite religious (the majority being Christian) and have a special place in their hearts for pets. American families, which host foreign students, are not paid, though they are allowed a small income tax deduction.
Each teenager is expected to cover his or her own expenses for articles for personal use, entertainment, long-distance telephone calls and clothing. Towards this, they should budget between $200 to $300 a month. In the event of illness, each student has a medical assistance card. Health insurance does not cover AIDS, abortion and suicide, nor dental and eyesight bills.
Basically, most students leave knowing they will have to do without their accustomed parental protection and learn to take care of themselves. However, no one packs his or her bags alone. Parents always give suggestions, or even take on the task themselves. The youngsters frequently show their lack of practice at such things. They take along unnecessary items. One student from the Brazilian South succeeded in stuffing two enormous suitcases to their capacity, and had to cope with her cabin luggage as well. As a result, she couldn't pull them around by herself.
For many, the departure at the airport is the worst time. Even though friends and family support the idea of going, it is difficult to say good-bye at this moment. "It's not easy to leave behind the people you love, especially a boyfriend. I cried at the departure and I cried on the plane too," says Patricia Caglian.
Another moment of tension descends while students await the domestic flight that will take them to their temporary home in America. From then on it's everyone for himself. No one really knows how she/he will adapt to such new customs. Though most foreign students remain in California, some are sent to Texas, Arizona, Idaho, Oklahoma or Virginia.
After a few days, the general complaint is about the food. "Even though I adapted easily, I really miss rice and beans. The food here doesn't look too nourishing," pines Fernando Andrade. Another big problem encountered by most youngsters is how sick they feel about being away from home.
One important regulation of the foreign study program has to do with the time, established by the host "parents", by which the teenagers must arrive home on weekend nights. "They're really tough," says Juliana Martini, who just finished her first semester. "You have to be in by 10:30 p.m., and if you do not obey, you get punished."
A few teenagers arrive in the United States with little command of English. In such cases the sole solution is private language study. This in turn pushes up the program cost, estimated at about $3,800, including air fare.
Words: 776


n. 1. [U, C] going away 离开,离去,出发
2. [C, U] (from) action different from (what is usual or expected) 背离

a. usual; regular 日常的,常规的,例行的
n. [C, U] fixed or regular way of doing things 例行公事(手续),常规

num. 十八,十八个

ad. 1. in or to a foreign country or countries; away from one's own country 在国外,到国外,出国
2. being spread widely 广为传播

n. 1. [C] a person who receives or entertains one or more other people as guests; a place or organization that provides the space and other necessary things for a special event 主人,东道主
2. [C] a person who introduces guests and programs, esp. on television or radio 主持人
3. (of) great number 大量, 许多
vt. act as host of 做……的东道主(或主持人)

a. (in) (of a person) speaking, writing, etc. in an easy smooth manner(说话、写作等)熟练的,流畅的

n. 1. (usu. pl.) person or group having the power to give orders or take action 掌权的人, 掌权的一班人, 当局
2. [C] a person with special knowledge 具有专业知识的人, 权威
3. [U] power to give orders and make others obey 权力,权威,权势

vt. agree to give or allow (what is asked for) 准许,允许,答应给予
n. [C] a thing given for a special reason, esp. money from the government 授予之物(尤指政府拨款、补助金、助学金)

n. official written or printed statement that may be used as proof of certain facts 证明,证书,执照

num. 十七,十七个

n. 1. [C] (乐队、合唱)指挥
2. [C] a person who sell tickets on a bus; the person in charge of a train 公共汽车售票员;列车员

vt. state or name clearly (details, materials, etc.) 明确说明,具体指定

a. (at, to, from, etc. places or countries) across the sea; foreign (在、到、来自)海外的;外国的
ad. across the sea; abroad 在海外;在国外

a. of or believing in Jesus Christ 基督教(徒)的
n. [C] a person who believes in and follows Jesus Christ 基督教徒

vt. take away (an amount or part) 扣除,减去

n. [U, C] deducting 扣除

n. 1. [U], (usu. sing.)(agreement made by a company or society or by the state, to provide) protection against loss, damage, illness, death, etc. in return for a regular fee 保险
2. [U] money paid by or to such a company, etc. 保险费,保险金额

n. [C, U] the intentional ending of a birth, usually by a medical operation 流产,堕胎

n. 1. [U] killing oneself intentionally 自杀
2. [U] any action that may have serious result for oneself 自取灭亡

a. of or for the teeth 牙齿的,牙科的

n. [U] power of seeing; ability to see 视力,目力

a. 1. usual 惯常的
2. (~ to sth.) used to (sth.) 习惯于

n. 1. [C] an idea, plan, advice etc. or person that is put forward (所提出或建议的)主意,计划,人选
2. [C] a sign 细微的迹象

n. 1. [C] a single article or unit in a list, etc.目录的条款,项目
2. [C] a single piece of news (新闻的)一条

n. [U] bags, suitcases, etc. containing sb.'s things and taken on a journey 行李

v. come, fall, or sink from a higher to a lower level; go down 下来,下降

vt. 1. (of a person) wait for (sb./sth.) (指人)等候
2. be ready or waiting for (sb./sth.) 备妥以待,等待

a. 1. of or inside a particular country, not foreign or international 国内的,本国的
2. of the home, house or family 家的,家庭的,家务的

vi. become accustomed to new conditions, etc. 使适应(新情况)
vt. 1. make sth. suitable for a new use, situation, etc. 使适应(新用途,新情况)
2. change (sth.) for other uses 改写,改编, 改装

n. [C] a smooth seed, used as a vegetable 豆

vt. 1. keep (a person, an animal or a plant) alive and well with food 滋养,给予营养,养育
2. have or increase (a feeling, etc.) 持有或怀有(情绪);增进(情感)

vi. 1. be very unhappy 不快活,悲伤
2. (for) long for or miss sb. 渴望,思念
n. [C, U] 松树, 松木

n. 1. [C] a rule made by an authority 规章,规则,条例
2. [U] controlling or being controlled 管理,节制,调节,控制

n. 1. [U] (usu. sing.) ability to use or control sth. 掌握,控制
2. [C] an order 命令
v. 1. be able to use (sth.) 能够支配,可以使用
2. (of sb. in authority) tell (sb.) that he must do sth.; order (指上级、当局)命令,指挥

n. [C] money charged for a journey by bus, ship, taxi, etc. 车费,船费,乘客购票所付的费用
vi. progress; get on 进展


at first glance
when seen or examined for the first time 乍一看;最初看到时

as long as
on condition that; provided that 只要

live through
experience 经历,经受住

dream of
imagine, have hopes for 想像,梦想,向往

plan on
aim for; prepare 为……做准备

work out
devise; plan 设计;计划

depend on
vary according to, be influenced or decided by 视……而定

hit the target
succeed; manage 达到目的;中肯

in the event of
if sth. happens 如果……发生

take on
decide to do (sth.); accept (sth.) 决定做;承担工作

lack of
little or not enough of sth. that is needed 缺乏,缺少,不足

take along
carry; take away 带着(某人或某物), 带走(某人或某物)

to (one's) capacity
completely full 满座的,满载的

leave behind
go away with (sb. or sth.) remaining behind 留下(某物或某人)

from then on
since that time 从那以后

in turn
one after another 依次,逐个地


Los Angeles


Gloria Marcato

Sandro Rodrigo de Barros

Juliana Martini





Fernando Andrade

Patricia Caglian
