AP 2010-10-16(在线收听

1. There have been hugs, cheers and tears throughout Chile as rescuers continue to pull trapped miners to safety. The first miner was brought up just before midnight. In all, 33 miners were trapped in the San Jose mine for 69 days. It's expected all the miners will be on the surface by the end of the day.


2. Hurricane Paula continues to strengthen. It's now a Category 2 storm, and is expected to pass just east of Cancun. From there, Paula is expected to make a path toward the western end of Cuba. Evacuations were ordered from a pair of islands near the Yucatan Peninsula.


3. Justice Department and Pentagon officials are reviewing a federal judge's order that the military immediately stop enforcing the policy, known as "Don't ask, don't tell." It's unclear whether the government will appeal the ruling. President Barack Obama has backed a Democratic effort in Congress to repeal the law.


4. Every team in the Major League is now on a postseason series. The Texas Rangers were the last team remaining until they defeated the Tampa Bay Rays last night. The Rangers will now move on to play the New York Yankees in the American League Championship Series. That series starts Friday in Texas
