CNN 2010-10-27(在线收听

I only have two purpose ,that's it ,besides doing my homework ,things deal Carl Azuz ,take a break ,Carl .
Thank you Geige ,we appreciate your introduction today ,I'm Carl Azuz ,I'am back  whether you are watching us on HLN online org. 19th ,we thank you for checking out CNN Student News .
It is Tuesday October 27th and the countdown is on to next week's mid-term's  elections. Candidates are focusing on some of the same big issues that we heard about back in 2008 ,economy ,healthcare , immigration ,education .The laws that cover how the government deals with those issues are written by congress as used to start government class .And in this mid-term ,all of the 435 voting seats in the US House of Representives are for election ,plus more than a third of the US sanate .With one week to go before the big day we are getting down to the why on this and Magen Hus has report for us ,how the efforts are going and some predictions for election day ,take a listen .
With a week to go ,both parties are pulling out the big guns .President Obama will raise money for democrats and rolled island  ,first lady Mitchell Obama will campaign with democrats in Washington and California . We're hearing Peilen Poul may head back to Dleway ,to push for Tea Party candidate Christini Dano .And the debates are hot .The head of democrat national commitee is predicting  damocrat will keep control of Congress .The party strategies say pulls are moving in the democrat's favor as we get closee to  election day .
The republicans have not close this deal in so many races there is more toss and braces than there ever have been .And a lot of these races where people are focusing on are the third party candidates. The republican leadership is brodcasting the party will take the house and the senate .And GoP strategies say voters have heard the party's message .
I think the republican party this election as the party of change ,we'll see that tomorrow .
Republicans need to pick up 39 House seats to take control ,some analysts estimate that as many as 90 seats currently held by democrate are in play,it is less likely to have up wins to take over the Senate.In Washington Magan Hus for CNN Students News .
