
    According to the Sky News of September 26, hard-pressed London commuters are increasingly turning to camping rather than paying exorbitant rents in the capital。
    "Camping commuters" are pitching their tents or parking their caravans from monday to friday and retreating to more permanent homes at the weekends。
    Lucy Boggis, from Wiltshire in the UK, said: "People think of it as a summer holiday in their little caravan, but as long as you've got a caravan that doesn't leak, you're as good as being in your bedroom at home。
    Prices do vary and Lee Valley Park in London is among the more expensive sites in London, with single campers paying midseason rates of ?122.50(about$194) per week, including electricity。
    However, that is still less than half the average weekly rent of ?250 (about $395)for a one-bedroom flat in London Zones 2 or 3, according to the accommodation website Outlet。
    事实上,(这样的露营生活并不是免费的),价格各异。比如类似伦敦Lee Valley公园就是比较昂贵的,每个露营者平均每周需要向公园管理方交纳122.5英镑(大约194美元)的费用,其中包括电费。
