137 对以色列破坏巴勒斯坦家园美国深感懊恼(在线收听

137 对以色列破坏巴勒斯坦家园美国深感懊恼

US 'Deeply Troubled' By Israeli Destruction Of Palestinian Houses
David GollustWashington10 Jul 2001 19:18 UTC
  The United States is calling on Israel to immediately end the 1)demolition of Palestinian homes and buildings, saying the action is 2)provocative and is 3)undermining trust between the parties.
Officials here are worried by the deterioration of the security situation in the region this week, 4)propelled in part by the Israeli demolition of homes in Palestinian areas said, by Israel, to be the source of fire against its security forces.
Briefing reporters, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher said the United States is "deeply troubled" by demolitions over the past two days in Jerusalem and Gaza, and believes the practice is hurting prospects for a cease-fire and further peace efforts. "We've been in contact with the Israeli government at the highest-levels in the last 24 hours and we've urged an immediate 5)halt to any further demolition of Palestinian homes and destruction of Palestinian property," he said. "Actions such as these demolitions are highly-provocative. They undermine confidence and trust between the parties and they can only make it much more difficult to restore calm and move forward with the implementation of the Mitchell committee recommendations."
The spokesman also said it is "absolutely critical" that the Palestinian Authority 6)exert a maximum effort to end violence.
He urged both sides to make use of U.S.-sponsored 7)trilateral security talks, which he said should be the forum for dealing with the kind of attacks that Israel says has made it 8)bulldozer 9)incursions into Palestinian areas necessary.
In a another sign of U.S. concern, Mr. Boucher said Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Satterfield was being sent to the region this week to follow-up on the just-completed mission by his boss, Assistant Secretary William Burns, the Bush administration's Middle East 10)envoy.
The administration has been trying to 11)solidify a cease-fire accord worked out last month by CIA director George Tenet, so that the parties can move on to confidence building steps proposed by the fact-finding 12)commission of former U.S. Senator George Mitchell.

(1) demolition[ 9demE`lIFEn ]n.破坏, 毁坏, (pl.)毁坏之遗迹
(2) provocative[prE5vRkEtIv]adj.煽动的n.刺激物
(3) undermine[QndE5maIn]v.破坏
(4) propel[prE5pel]vt.推进, 驱使
(5) halt[hC:lt, hRlt]n.停止, 暂停, 中断vt.使停止, 使立定
(6) exert[I^5z:t]vt.尽(力), 努力v.发挥, 竭尽全力, 尽
(7) trilateral[traI5lAtEr(E)l]adj.三边的n.三边形
(8) bulldozer[5bJldEJzE(r)]n.推土机
(9) incursion[In5k:F(E)n]n.袭击, 侵入
(10) envoy[5envCI]n.外交使节, 特使
(11) solidify[sE5lIdIfaI]v.(使)凝固, (使)团结, 巩固
(12) commission[kE5mIF(E)n]n.委任, 委托vt.委任, 任命, 委托

