
    People facing unpleasant tasks from drinking medicine to passing on bad news could ease these painful moments by simply tensing their muscles. A study published in the Consumer Research journal, found that clenching your fists temporarily boosts your self-control and willpower.
    Iris Hung from the National University of Singapore and Aparna Labroo from the University of Chicago, put a group of volunteers through a range of self-control dilemmas that involved accepting short term pain for long term gain.These included placing hands in icy water, drinking watered down vinegar, watching a charity appeal and resisting unhealthy foods.
    The authors found participant's who tightened any muscle at the moment they faced an internal struggle were better able to withstand pain or discomfort and to resist tempting foods.
    However, if the volunteers tensed up too long beforehand they felt depleted by the time they had to make a choice.
    The scientists concluded: 'The mind and the body are so closely tied together, merely clenching muscles can activate willpower. 'Thus simply engaging in these bodily actions, can serve as a non-conscious source to recruit willpower研究人员总结,人体的身心是联系在一块的,脑袋想什么,身体就会做出相应的反应。当我们遇到诱惑的时候,如果环境需要我们短暂忍耐一下疼痛,科学告诉我们只要稍微紧握拳头,或许就能达到我们想要的目的了。
