体育美语-025 Ski Jumping(在线收听

Y: Hey, Patrick, look at the Rocky Mountains beautiful, Patrick? 多壮观啊!


P: Yeah, the Rocky Mountains are beautiful, Yang Chen. But I guess when you asked me to go skiing with you, I didn't realize you meant to go ski jumping.

Y: Of course, we are going ski jumping. 高台滑雪。Hey, Patrick, 你脸色发绿. Are you feeling okay?

P: Actually, Yang Chen, I look green because - I didn't tell you this - I'm afraid of heights. And right now I'm feeling a little sick. Don't laugh at me.

Y: I didn't know 你有恐高症啊!Well, don't worry, 闭着眼睛往下一跳。

P: I have to ski down there?

Y: Yup. There's only one way to learn, Patrick. Here let me give you a little push.

P: No, Yang Chen, wait. Don't push me.

Y: Listen, 跳啊,跳下去你就会融入蓝天...

P: I have no idea what you are talking about, it sounds like some kind of cheesy Japanese movie.

Y. You are right. All I'm saying is "Jump"!

P: .Nooooo.

(Thudding sound)

Y: Hey, Patrick?

P: (Weakly, calling back) I'm okay. I'm glad I'm still alive.

Y: Good, it's my turn next. 该我跳了。You better get out of my way.

P: (Calling up) Okay, I'm out of the way. It's all clear. You can jump now, Yang Chen.

Y: Here I go!

(Sound of sliding down a ramp, landing).

P: Wow, Yang Chen. That was a great jump! And a perfect landing, too.

Y: I love ski jumping! Do you want to go again, Patrick?

Y: Here I go again. Yee-haa!
