专家智商高情商低 难当企业家(在线收听

    Going from the tea boy to company head may once have been possible; but these days to start the route to the top, you have to have specialist knowledge and skills。
    In the US, many well-known CEOs started in marketing. In Britain, most started as accountants or actuaries. Of course, some also started out as engineers or lawyers。
    But the question is whether specialists can become good leaders. In most cases, the answer is clearly no. Many organizations suffer from the problem of having as their leader a brilliant specialist who has neither people skills nor curiosity about the wider world of business。
    Daniel Goleman, author of the best-selling book Emotional Intelligence, offers an explanation for this. Future specialists can often be recognized in their youth, he says. They are usually boys, often intelligent, frequently introverted. While they may have a few close friends who share their interests, they tend not to be sociable。
