
    Random acts of violence are, well, random. It's the unpredictable nature of terrorism, after all, that makes it so terrifying. But according to "The Mathematics of Terror," an article by Andrew Curry in the latest issue of Discover magazine, acts of terrorism aren't random at all -- not mathematically speaking, anyway.
    If deaths due to terrorism were random, Curry explains, they would form a normal distribution, also known as a bell curve, with most casualties coming from medium-size attacks falling in the center of the curve, and a few rare deaths from small and large attacks forming outliers at either end.
    Instead, terrorist and guerrilla killings follow an L-shaped power law curve. "The pattern underlying the power curve enables a few rare events of extraordinary magnitude," Curry writes. "One might use the math to argue that the 9/11 attack that killed more than 2,700 people in New York City was bound to happen. And there is ample reason to believe that an even bigger one is on the way, sooner or later."然而,恐怖分子和游击队发动的死亡袭击事件呈L形幂律曲线分布。柯里写道:“按照幂律曲线下的模式,一些极其重大的罕见事件就是会发生。人们可以用这种数学方法证明,导致纽约市2000多人丧生的9-11袭击注定会发生。我们有充分的理由相信,迟早还会发生一场规模更大的袭击事件。”
    The experts point out that if attacks in Iraq, Colombia, Peru and Afghanistan were random, then extremely peaceful and extremely violent days should both be rare. The data, however, show sudden bursts of activity and long quiet periods.
    Perhaps this is because such individuals are trying to maximize media coverage. "For an insurgent group," Curry notes, "a successful strike is not one that does the most damage, but one that draws the most attention." Terrorists, therefore, may be waiting for relatively calm moments to strike, in an effort to dominate the news. But the more they all try to break away from the pack, the more they can't escape it. The effect is not so different from many drivers all trying to avoid the same congested roads--only to cluster together.
