音乐咖啡厅:Play - When Love Is Bleaching Bad(在线收听

音乐咖啡厅:Play - When Love Is Bleaching Bad 

相关介绍:play是一个来自瑞典的少女偶像团体,成立于2001年.成员有4个人,Faye Hamlin, Anna Sundstrand, Anais Lameche和Rosie Munter.刚加入团队的她们只有12,3岁.Play组合直到2003年Faye Hamlin离队随后Janet Leon加入.Play一共发行了5张专辑,并多次在美国巡演,在美国和加拿大等地都赢得了大批歌迷的拥护.然而好景不长,Play最后一次以组合形式出现是在2004年12月末,不好的流言和负面新闻随之而来导致组合在2005年宣布解散!


Song:When Love Is Bleaching Bad

How, how do I make you understand
How much I'm need you breathing you
Every minute

Should I stay and let you know
That you're the one that I adore
Cause I can't let you go, wait no more tonight

Blue eyes are staring straight at me
Wonder what is wrong, why I'm gone
And if it's over?

Cause I made up my mind
I'm gonna leave us behind
You made me close the door. so don't you beg no more

If the love you have is bleaching bad
You should paint itback with all your colors
And if there's love in sight, you should speak up tonight
That's the way it is and should be when you're in love

Why, why did I spend so many nights
Just arguing, and fight with him
OLver nothing
That was all waste of time
Now that you're on my mind
Now you fill my mind
You're in my mind

If the love you have is bleaching bad...

If I'd wait you'd stick around
If I hate you should turn me round
Hold my tears when I hit the ground
Shouldn't settle for less when your heart's in the middle
If we're lost and pale inside
Use the colors that we never tried
That's the way it should be
That's the way it is when you're in love
