澳洲广播电台商业英语教程 Unit15:商业展示A pre(在线收听

English For Business
第十五课:    商业展示
Lesson 15:  A Presentation
各位听众朋友好。欢迎您收听由澳大利亚澳洲广播电台和维多利亚州多元文化成人教育中心 AMES联合为您制作的《商业英语教程》节目。我是澳广中文部的节目主持人马健媛。 在这套共二十六课的讲座中,我们的英语老师将向我们讲授一些英语世界中有关商务对话的技巧,这其中除了语言技能之外还包括一
第十五课:    商业展示
Lesson 15:  A presentation
在这一课中我们要学习如何利用图表向听众介绍相关信息以及如何即席回答听众提出的问题。怎样有机地讲解一连串事项也是老师要在这段对话中向我们讲解的要点之一。 好,我们先来听新的对话内容。您还记得吗,在上一课的对话中,维多利亚在遇到了技术上的麻烦之后有些失态,为了避免出现尴尬的局面,哈维立刻接替了上来。他在发现电脑当机之后决定将展示演讲的顺序加以调整,改由他向客人们介绍有关的数据。这就是这段对话的背景情况。现在让我们一起来听录音。
Harvey:  These figures, on overhead projection, follow the sale of Suki Tofu since it was launched onto the Australian Market.  
哈维:  投影仪上显示的这些数据就是素喜豆腐进入澳洲市场之后的销售记录。 
Harvey:  This first graph shows the first year, 1999. Suki was launched in  March.  Can I draw your attention to June.  
哈维:  第一张图表显示的是第一年,也就是一九九九年的业绩,素喜豆腐是在那年三月进入澳洲市场的。现在请您注意六月份的数字。
Harvey:  Here you’ll see a significant increase in sales, after our  targeted advertising campaign.  
哈维:  这组数字表明在我们进行了有针对性的广告宣传之后销售业绩出现了大幅度上升。
Harvey:  And here are the figures from 2000 until now.  Can everybody  see that?
哈维:  这里是二零零零年至今的数字。大家都可以看清楚吗?
Harvey:  You’ll notice there’s been a steady increase in sales  which are at their peak right now… a very positive sign.
哈维:  您可以看到,销售情况稳步上升,现在已经处于峰值状态,这是一个非常正面的迹象。 您也许已经听出来了,哈维正在向客人们讲解有关的销售业绩曲线图,让我们再听一遍他在介绍第一张图表时是怎么说的。
Harvey:  This first graph shows the first year, 1999. 
哈维:  第一张图表显示的是第一年,也就是一九九九年的业绩。
I have a table here that shows the seasonal sales.
The first bar graph refers to consumer trends.
This flow chart illustrates the chain of command.
You can see from this pie chart that most buyers prefer cards  to any other
system of payment.
I have a table here that shows sales. 
The first bar graph refers to consumer trends.     
This flow chart illustrates the chain of command. 
You can see from this pie chart that most buyers prefer cards. 
Harvey:  Here you’ll see a significant increase in sales, after our targeted advertising campaign.
哈维:  这组数字表明在我们进行了有针对性的广告宣传之后销售业绩出现了大幅度上升。
Harvey:  You’ll notice there’s been a steady increase in sales which are at their peak right now… a very positive sign.
哈维:  您可以看到,销售情况稳步上升,现在已经处于峰值状态,这是一个非常正面的迹象。
Sales have remained stable.
There’s been a dramatic drop in circulation.
Profits reached a peak in winter.
Production was down in June but recovered in October.
There’s been a rapid rise in interest rates.
Sales have remained stable.  
There’s been a dramatic drop in circulation.  
Profits reached a peak in winter.  
Production was down in June but recovered in October.  
There’s been a rapid rise in interest rates.  
第十五课:    商业展示
Lesson 15:  A presentation
Victoria:  So, to summarise, we produced a quality campaign for a quality product and we’d welcome the chance to do the same with yours.  And now, I’ll hand you over to Caroline.
维多利亚:  总之,我们为优质产品进行了高质量的推广活动。我们也希望能够有机会为贵公司做同样的活动。现在请允许我向各位介绍卡罗琳。
Lok:  Victoria, I have a question. 
洛克:  维多利亚,我有一个问题要问。
Victoria: Yes, Lok?
维多利亚:  洛克,您请说。
Lok:  You’ve shown us this wonderful product, Suki Tofu.  The colours on the packet - are they the same on all Hale and Hearty products?
洛克:  您刚才向我们展示了素喜豆腐这个漂亮的产品。这个包装颜色,,,是不是哈尔及哈迪公司所有的产品包装都使用同样的颜色呢? 
Victoria:  Yes, we want consumers to recognise our products easily so that’s why they all bear the Hale and Hearty colours. 
维多利亚:  是的,我们希望顾客能够轻而易举地看到我们的产品,所以哈尔及哈迪公司所有产品的包装均使用统一颜色。
Lok: Thank you.
洛克:  谢谢。
Caroline:  Thanks, Victoria.  Well, I’m here to talk about how a partnership   with Hale and Hearty works.
卡罗琳:  谢谢你,维多利亚。各位,我要向您介绍的是如何与哈尔及哈迪公司结盟的事宜。
Caroline:  I have a list of our guidelines here, which you are welcome to   take with you.  
卡罗琳:  我这里有一套指导原则,欢迎各位将这份文件带回去。
Caroline:  Looking at the first point, the key to our delivery is communication by any means possible….
卡罗琳:  现在首先请看第一点,这里我们承诺的是利用任何可能的手段达致沟通交流。
Caroline:  The next point shows that we provide quarterly reports and payments.
卡罗琳:  接下来的一点就是,我们每个季度提供报告和付款。
Caroline:  In point 3, you’ll notice that Partners are invited to local  conventions as well as national ones.
卡罗琳:  第三点,您可能已经注意到了,就是合作伙伴会受邀出席地方性及全国性的展示大会。
在这部份的对话中,洛克在听完了维多利亚的结束语之后提出了问题。对此,维多利亚是这样回应的,“ Yes, Lok?  洛克,您请说”。在这里我要提醒您的是,如果听众人数众多,那么在有人提出问题的时候,您最好在回答提问之前将这个问题重复一遍,以利于其它人能够知道提问的内容。请听下面的这段小对话及中文翻译。
Yes, you have a question?
Are these figures higher than last year’s?
The gentleman has asked if these figures are higher than last year’s.  The answer to that is 'yes'.
Caroline:  I have a list of our guidelines here, which you are welcome to   take with you.  
卡罗琳:  我这里有一套指导原则,欢迎各位将这份文件带回去。
Caroline:  Looking at the first point, the key to our delivery   is communication by any means possible….
卡罗琳:  现在首先请看第一点,这里我们承诺的是利用任何可能的手段达致沟通交流。
Caroline:  The next point shows that we provide quarterly reports and payments…
卡罗琳:  接下来的一点就是,我们每个季度提供报告和付款。
Caroline:  In point 3, you’ll notice that Partners are invited to local   conventions as well as national ones…
卡罗琳:  第三点,您可能已经注意到了,就是合作伙伴会受邀出席地方性及全国性的展示大会。
Looking at the first point… 
The next point shows we provide quarterly reports. 
In point 3 you’ll notice our output is high.   
You can see from this table
This table
This table
That profits have dropped
But sales remain stable.
You can see from this table
This table
This table
That profits have dropped
But sales remain stable.
好,第十五课就进行到这里。非常感谢您和我一起学习《商业英语教程》节目。在第十六课中我们将继续学习“商业展示”这段对话的第二部份。请您一定不要忘记按时收听。 各位朋友,我们下次节目时间再会。
