英语摇滚:Keep Holding On(在线收听

keep holding on


情感盈溢的抒情曲""Keep Holding On"─这首歌曲是艾薇儿受邀为20世纪福斯公司的幻想/冒险片「龙骑士(Eragon)」所特别创作的─,都是最好的左证。

拥有一双对于强劲、有吸引力的流行旋律特别敏锐而且训练有素的耳朵,艾薇儿因此可以积极参与「The Best Damn Thing」专辑的每一个创作阶段:从独立谱写自己的歌曲(「我在创作这张专辑里的歌曲时,身边没有唱片公司的人来左右我的意见。」她特别强调,「我非常清楚我要什么样的音乐。」),到选择制作人和合作伙伴,再到回到录音室里一再琢磨吉他和鼓声,艾薇儿都亲自悉心参与,好确保这张专辑将成为她至今最棒的一张作品。这几年她的态度或许更圆融了些,但她仍是无与伦比、勇敢大胆的艺人。「The Best Damn Thing」展现出艾薇儿迈入新阶段后的生命,她已经走过愤世嫉俗的灰暗青少年时期,并且再度于聚光灯下昂首挺立,她已经准备好要尽情享受工作的乐趣、尽情摇滚、甚至尽情舞蹈。这就是-正如她在专辑标题中所说的-她所做过的最棒的事。

You're not alone
together we stand
i'll be by your side
you know i'll take your hand
when it gets cold
and it feels like the end
theres no place to go
you know i wont give in
no i wont give in.
Keep holding on
'cause you know we'll make it through,
we'll make it through
just stay strong
cause you know i'm here for you,
i'm here for you
theres nothing you can say,
nothing you can do
theres no other way
when it comes to the truth
so keep holding on
cause you know we'll make it through,
we'll make it through.
So far away
i wish you were here
before it's too late
this could all disapear
before the doors close,
and it comes to an end
but with you by my side
i will fight and defend
i'll fight and defend
yeah yeah.
Keep holding on
'cause you know we'll make it through,
we'll make it through
just stay strong
cause you know i'm here for you,
i'm here for you
theres nothing you can say,
nothing you can do
theres no other way
when it comes to the truth
so keep holding on
cause you know we'll make it through,
we'll make it through.
Hear me when i say, when i say
i believe nothings gonna change,
nothings gonna change destiny
what ever is meant to be
will work out perfectly
yeah yeah yeah yeah
Keep holding on
'cause you know we'll make it through,
we'll make it through
just stay strong
cause you know i'm here for you,
i'm here for you
theres nothing you can say,
nothing you can do
theres no other way
when it comes to the truth
so keep holding on
cause you know we'll make it through,
we'll make it through.
Keep holding on
Keep holding on
theres nothing you can say,
nothing you can do
theres no other way
when it comes to the truth
so keep holding on
cause you know we'll make it through,
we'll make it through.
