
演唱者:mink mink

mink的《Shalom》,是她在2007月02月28日发行的一张Album。中文取义为您好。《SHALOM》是mink首张个人大碟,收录作品包括日蒙合作电影《苍狼 直到天涯海角》主题曲「Innocent Blue – 直到天涯海角」、电影《小勇者们 – 加美拉》主题曲「Eternal Love」、广告歌「Rescue Me」及「Hold on to a dream」等。

出身韩国的mink,自中学时代起到日本升学,其后更以日本为音乐基地的,推出多首作品,而mink这个名字就包含着「Made IN Korea」的意思。特别值得一提的是,mink的作品曾在美国billboard音乐排行榜上勇夺过第一名。这对于亚裔歌手来说,实在是莫大的荣誉。

mink的唱片封面是她个人特色的标志——除了她的那张《Innocent Blue~地果て海尽きるまで~》single以外,mink一直都是以插画人物的形象示人。由于我是封面控(由于这个愿意,也非常幸运地认识了很多很有才华却很冷门的歌手……题外话……),当初开始听mink也是因为这个原因。

mink的作品给我的感觉一直是很大气的,比如《Hold on to a dream》《Innocent Blue~地果て海尽きるまで~》,这在耳边充斥着腻腻歪歪的小甜歌和伪装兴奋的躁动音乐的今天,听一听mink的歌,绝对是一种新的感觉。

Silhouettes can fade at a masquerade
But it's always the same
Every time you leave, you never go away
I'm a mystery, but the story of this
Is both yours and mine
Is it love, or don't you have the time?

'Cause we've set the perfect scene
Couldn't have found it in a magazine
Is this where every promise takes a chance?
Now we're close as two could be
Feels like the magic's elementary
So tell me it's my turn
And more than Moonburn

Charisma is the thing, it's like a diamond ring
That shines forever for me
But will it be the light that's left me in the dark
I know I trust my heart, I wish I knew why I feel
My calendar said I'd meet my destiny

'Cause we've set the perfect scene
Couldn't have found it in a magazine
Is this where every promise takes a chance?
Now we're close as two could be
Feels like the magic's elementary
So tell me it's my turn
And more than Moonburn

It's not the sun distressing me
From midnight to midday
Where is the Romeo who knows the way?
To take my hand so deep in his
Not for the weak, the mild of meek
The feeling still remains
'Cause we've set the perfect scene
Couldn't have found it in a magazine
Is this where every promise takes a chance?
Now we're close as two could be
Feels like the magic's elementary
So tell me it's my turn
And more than Moonburn
