Step by Step2000 第二册 Unit 4 All Can Succeed(在线收听

Unit 4 All Can Succeed

Part 1 Warming up

Key words: imagination, win, opportunity, risk, like, success, other people,

abilities, hard work

Vocabulary: prosper, shed light onto, be blessed with, positive, critically, interact

In this part you are going to hear a passage about how one can achieve success. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

(No one sets out in life to fail.) The reality is that many do. Why do some prosper while others struggle just to exist? There is no simple answer to that question but here are a few thoughts that might shed some light onto this very complex issue.

1. The future is in your imagination

Humans are blessed with the ability to think into the future. We can use our imagination to see possibilities. Use this unique gift in a positive way.( Build a vision of what you want to be. have or do. It is the starting point of all successful activities.)

2. To win, you must expect to win

Once we imagine our future, we must wrap that vision with a belief system that encourages us to fulfill the vision.

3. We are surrounded by opportunity

As we move through time, opportunities are abound. All we have to do is recognize them and reach out to grab them. Capturing opportunity demands risk. Are you a risk taker?

4. Like what you do or do something else

Low achievers usually don't like to work or don't like the work they are doing. Those who don't want to work will never prosper. For those who work, it is critically important that their work be a joyful experience. Match your skills to your job requirements. The closer the match, the more enjoyable the experience.

5. Your success depends on other people

No man is an island. We must interact with and receive the support of others. Build a network of friends. Get to know people of achievement. Listen to their words,watch their actions and apply what works for you.

6. Everyone can succeed

We are all born with enough abilities to experience success. Our task is to discover and develop those abilities. Nothing comes easily. Success demands hard work. Are you willing to work that hard?


Key words:

skills encourage invoivement development school cooperation student performance teachers staff


issue involvement commit enhancement regardless of consensus bond integrity

Suppose you are an administator on a middle school ,read the following checklist . Supply the mising words to complete the questions below.Answer all the questions by ticking "yes"or "no".

1.Do you possess good organizational skills?

2.Are you results oriented?

3.Are you open minded on all issues brought before you ?

4.Do you put children first in the decision process?

5.Do you encourage parental and citizen involvement?

6.Do you encourage innovation and excellence?

7.Do you commit to maximize the development of every student?

8.Do you promote school and community cooperation?

9.Do you support to the enhancement of student needs in the school?

10.Can you offer ideas and plans to strengthen the school ?

11.Do you expect high quality performence from terchers?

12.Do you communicate directly and clearly to the teachers in the school?

13.Do you bebieve in continuously professional development of self and the entire staff?

14.Do you deals fairly with all school employees regardless of their backgroud or position?

15. Are you a consensus builder?

16.Do you understand leadership skills?

17.Is your word your bond ?Are you trustworthy?

18.Do you strive to undersdand the position of others staff members?

19.Do you display a high degree of personal integrity?

20.Can you work well with others?

key words:

successful bring up children overcome difficulty deaf headmistress actor self-publicist


pop arthristis headmistress handicap self-publicist


speaker 1:

I think my mum's very successful beacause she's managed to bring up three children - excellently -- in such a horrible society that we live in today.She's taught us to be kind and loving,she taught us to share, she taught us to love our family -- be very family-orientated -- and I think that's relly important.

speaker 2:

The person that I can think of within my life,well,I probably can think of several but the one that instantly came to mind when you popped this question to me was somebody who lives in Harpenden and who has overcome physical difficulty of arthritis remarkabely well,and not allowde it to hold her back any more than is obviously necessary because of her physical disabilities.So I think she's made a very good -- a great success of overcoming a difficulty.

speaker 3:

I think, uhm, Mable Davvies,here who's very successful.She's deaf lady who's now the headmistress and I think that must have been hard, so I 've got a lot of respect for her,because my parents are also deaf so I know how difficult it is to work your way up having a handicap so I've got quite a lot of admiration for her.

speaker 4:

Well,I think in professional terms Kenneth Branagh,the actor,has been very successful and I think the reason for this more than anything else is that he's a very good self-publicist.He is undoubtedly a very good actor.Er,I 've not seen him on stage,I've seen him on film and he's got an enormous amount of enery and as I say,he's a very good self-publicist.


1. According to the first speaker, the most important thing that mum taught her children is to love the family.

2. When the second speaker was inerviewed,the sucessful person that immediately came to her mind was the one with arthritis.

3. The third has a lot of respect for Mable Davies because she herself is deaf.

4. The fourth speaker thinks that the actor has got an enormous amount of energy as he saw him on stage and on film.

The work of Gordon Parks——an internationally known African American artist

Key words:

work with a camera



racial injustice


Life magazine

the rich and the poor













Listen to the first part of the material.Complete the paragraph.

Gordonn Parks is an artist who has many skills such as _________________________________________________.However,he is best known for______________________________________________.He saw the camera as _________________________________________.

Gordon Parks was born into _________________________________in ________________.After his mother died when he was only__________,he worked several low-paying jobs to _____________________.He became interested

in_________________at the age of ________.He thought _________-could express___________________.


Now listen to the second part of the material.First complete the chart about Gordon Parks.Then complete the statements about some of Gordon Parks's most successful works.

When:in 1941

Relevant information:taking pictures of the poor living conditions in Chicago


Relevant information:working as a photographer for Life magazine

When:in 1950

Relevant information:__________________________as a European photographer for Life


Relevant information:traveling to the southern photograph_____________________

When:in 1961

Relevant information:working on a project about________________


Relevant information:one of the most influential photographers of his time finishing a book about growing up in Kansas

When:at the age of 85

Relevant information:still writing_____________________,composing_______________and making___________

Gordon Park's most successful works:

1.Ella Watson-American Gothic

The picture represents____________

2.The Causey Family

The pictures show______________

3.Flavio da Silva

The pictures show__________________

Listen to the following statements you have learned in the previous and previous and present units. Pay special attention to the parts in bold type. Learn to appreciate and use thr language.

1 (to be)daunted by the thought of...

Are you still daunted by the thought of reprogramming your video cassette recorder,let along your digital versatile disc?

2 to hijack one's attention

Ambient commercials will also hijack your attention by using tastes and smells.

3 to give thought to...

Have I given thought to what I would like to be doing 15 to 20 years from now?

Take a really good look at yourself and give real thought to the kind of person you are, what you are good at,and what kind of person you want to be.

4 to bear in mind/to affect the future course of one's life

Bear in mind that the career you choose will affect the future course of your life.

5 to give preference to.../other things being equal

Remember that when promotion occurs,preference is usually given to educated persons——other things being equal.

6 a fund of experience

Remember they have a tremendous fund of experience from which you should benefit.

7 to come to mind/to pop a question to...

The one that instantly came to mind when you popped this question to me was somebody who lives in Harpenden.

8 to set out to fail

No one sets out in life to fail.

9 to shed light onto...

There is no simple answer to that question but here are a few thoughts that minght shed some light onto this very complex issue.

10 to be blessed with...

Humans are blessed with...

Humans are blessed with the ability to think into the future.

11 one's word is one's bond

Is your word your bond?

12 to accept no limits on...

Gorden Parks continues to accept no limits on what he can do.

