英语口语900句 13.02.对话.3.过度悲观(在线收听

Too Pessimistic

Ula:How do you feel today?

Tim:I don’t know.

Ula:Don’t be so depressed. Has Nancy come to see you?

Tim:Not yet. She must be seeing someone else. Nobody wants to marry a lame guy.

Ula:Cheer up! She is not that kind of girl and you’re not seriously hurt.You’ll get

out of here in no time.

Tim:I’m not sure. They say it’ll take a long time and I can’t feel my left leg now.

What can I do to make a living in future? I’ll lose my job, my insurance, my

pension. Maybe I’ll have to live on the dole.

Ula:You shouldn’t be so pessimistic. Everything will be all right.
