英语口语900句 14.01.对话.2.坠入爱河(在线收听

M:Do you have boyfriend?


M:Well,I came to know a girl 3 weeks ago. We have so much in common.


M:So I think I may fall in love with her.

W:You're attracted to her. That sounds great. But how do you know that's a crush or it's real love?

M:Then what's the difference between having a crush and falling in love?

W:That's a big question. Well,if you're in love,maybe you will take every opportunity to talk to her or telephone her for no reason at all.

M:That's what I did.

W:And you think about her all the time?


W:And maybe you suddenly have new interests. I mean you suddenly begin to do things you used to avoid,ie:You used to sleep in every morning,but because she jogs every morning then you begin to like jogging.

M:That's it,she likes dogs so much now, and I begin to love dogs.

W:Oh,congratulations. Sounds like you've found your soul mate.

M:Thanks,but I know falling in love is one thing while staying in love is another.

W:Yes,that's right. If you find this person is more and more important to you and you can totally trust her,then you can stay in love.

M:Yeah,falling in love is so good.

W:While staying in love is even better.
