访谈录 2010-07-26&07-30 姐就是长的胖,怎么了吧-(在线收听

Ok, so the argument about me or the obese people costing more with the insurance, and the healthcare costs. I understand that the physical and medical consequence of weight cycling is very severe. And it adds these costs, and I also, it's my understanding that when you look at all of the studies about weight loss interventions, they have 5% success rate over the 5 years. So, if 95% of the folks are not able to have success with any of the weight loss interventions, and weight cycling causes more problems, what do you say to that, what is, what do you propose as far as addressing the weight issue when there's no proven way to successfully address it. Here's the thing. It is true that when someone becomes obese, the failure rate for taking that weight off and keeping it off is 95%. But the fact that people don't do it is not the same as can't do it. She's done it. There are many people who do do it, and it's because they made the change forever. Now, I'm not saying it's easy, I'm not saying that more than 5% do it.  But I'm not saying that is impossible. Hey, my question is about framing. You're all talking about the importance of healthy eating and exercising, and I don't think anyone is disagreeing. Now I'm saying we should be eating two hoecakes for breakfast everyday. Um, but why we are framing it in discussions of fat, if you look at the news, it's always the headless fatties slumbering towards the camera. From the shoulder sound this is faceless army of the fatties coming to get you. Why are we talking about the fat people, and about policing fat bodies, instead of talking about these healthy behaviors that we should be encouraging? Instead of saying let's fight the fat, let's say, let's fight unhealthy eating, let's fight inactivity. Why are we talking about is it ok to be fat? It's just someone's body. Why aren't we saying is it ok to be sedentary, or eat unhealthy food. I really believe that you can look at a thin person, oh, yes, a lot of people make the judgment, well, they're absolutely healthy, but you know what they are eating, you know fast food 3 times a day, 4 times a day. Meanwhile the size 18, 22, they're eating an organic diet, consider to be balanced and exercising. You can not look at someone on the outside, and say what they're doing, you know, in their personal lives with their health. You absolutely can not, I think that's a judgment placed too often, on too many people. And it's a shame because women find it very difficult, I think, to get up in the morning already, you know, they wanna be healthy, they wanna learn about these things, but they felt discouraged, because they say no matter what I do, I'm gonna be a size 22, even if I'm eating healthy, or exercising. It's not good enough. I think we have to stop doing that, and I think it's all about of lifting these women. Having acceptance, no matter what the size is, ‘cause it's not about size, it's about bringing, you know, knowledge to the people, about healthy eating and exercise. Take size out a bit, it's, it should not be here. But size is risk, size is related to these chronic diseases, and our bodies tell us, am I feeding it properly, am I exercising enough, our bodies confessed to the world if we're treating it well or not. So you find it's impossible, you find it should be impossible to be size neutral?
I will never say that obesity can be healthy, because it's a tremendous burden on the orthopedic system, it's a tremendous burden on your endocrine system, it is silent inflammation. And that's before, that's be ... but I'm not pro-anorexia, so that's before type two diabetes, that's before heart disease, that's before all the third of cancers. You are already so compromised health wise before those or other horrors get to you. I feel like we keep trying to reframe it as a ... if we're concerned about health, why aren't we talking about actual indicators of health. And the answer is, it's not really about health, I mean, we want to frame it as health, because we're progressives, and because we genuinely care about the health of people. But I don't believe that looking at a fat person, and judging them immediately as unhealthy without knowing anything about their actual health, their lifestyle, their choices, any of that, I don't think that actually has to do with a concern about their health.
I think you so wrong ... And it has to do about the way we think about our bodies in our society,I know, your body to be that way. And ...Thank you. I think that, I think that if we wanna talk about health, let's talk about health. And let's not use weight as the sole indicator. Let's not keep coming back to, if you're fat, you're this this this, should this. Let's talk about well, if your blood pressure is this, we need to make these changes. If you have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, this is going to be a side effect. Let's talk about the healthful lifestyle choices, you can make for you, in yourselfOk, Marian, let me, Kim have, get a word in address, because you said, I heard you said, I think you're so wrong. I think you're wrong. I agree with you that people should not discriminate based on looks, based on fat, because people are fat as far as treating them one way or another. But it is about health, it really is. I can't tell you the difference how I feel, I would stand up and my feet would hurt and now I am just talking about me, but I'm not, because there're thousands of people I might say that email, I mean I got up with a sick boy, 3 clock this morning, what do we do when we can't get to back to sleep, I check my email, I just got an email from somebody about 3:00 in the morning, solving out I've read your book I can really relate I'm you, I'm hurting, I'm dying, I'm eating myself to death with a fork. Please help me what can I do. And I totally understand that; but, that,It's health, it's not looks, But in our society, it manifests this way, because I have just as many emails from people saying I am you, I have this kind of history with dieting, I do these healthful behaviors, or I feel completely bored from these healthful behaviors, because I'm fat, and people are going to judge me no matter what I do any way.
I'm not saying, people I'm not judging fat people I agree with youI understand that you are concerned with health, and I think that's fabulous. But I think that the wider question in our society is not really about health, like the people who are mocking fat people, where the doctors, and nurses who think that we are not compliant, just from looking at us.  That's not about health, that's about the body discrimination.
