访谈录 2010-11-22&11-25 克雷格与“神秘博士”马特(在线收听

Craig: Have you done a lot of talk shows since you got here then?
Matt: No, this is my first…this is my first show.
Craig: Really?! Ohhh, this much better, wasn’t it?
Matt: You, uh you, I like, you’re genuinely very funny, much funnier than the people in England. I got to say.
Craig: No…, don’t say that, I have to go back there at some point.
Matt: Really. You know what, maybe don’t went to England yeah, (No…no.) you never, you’re an American citizen now.
Craig: Now I’m American now, I got my tattoo.
Matt: So what’s with the snakes?
Craig: Oh, I’ve got a small penis…so uh…So you see, and then the uh, the snake tattoo you see.
Matt: “JOIN or DIE.”
Craig: Join or die, yeah.
Matt: Join, what? Join the US!?
Craig: Join…, yeah! Join the…Matt: New York, New Jersey?
Craig: Yeah, yeah you’re very good, you…Matt: High note places?
Craig: Yeah. You drive up the coast here.
Matt: From Vegas where you back out to Tiffany.
Craig: Hey, have got any tattoos?
Matt: No.
Craig: Oh, come on. It’s time.
Matt: No..wha..wha..wha, I mean, what would I get?
Craig: Come on...cut loose a little, get a tattoo by being America.
Matt: No. Perhaps, of…?
Craig: A Dalek?
Matt: Yeah…maybe.
Craig: No…No, that would be too cliche. You don’t want do that cause you, you’re an actor.  You, you’re not just Doctor Who, you wanna go on after (I know…) you done with Doctor Who, do other things.
Matt: But I, there’re stuff that they can pay the amount with, isn’t that, they can sort of draw out of the moneyCraig: Oh I see.
Matt: Yeah, yeah.
Craig:  That’s not a tattoo, Matthew.
Matt: That’s a “hanger” tattoo.
Craig: Hmmm…that’s a big “I’m gay” picture. No, it’s not and I thin[k] it’s all right. So, uh, you drove from Vegas to San Francisco along the coast, which is amazing.
Matt: Yeah, and I did, Yosemite as well.
Craig: Oh, Yosemite’s nice. Did you see any bears?
Matt: No, sadly not. I was told that (No, no, you don’t wanna see it.) there would be bears; also it was disappointed.
Craig: Why?
Matt: Well, because it when morning is in, the green green suburbs of the U.S…uh, uh, uh, a bear would be most welcome, frankly.
Craig: Yes, I know. I would, I have filled it with…Matt: Uhm, have you ever met a bear?
Craig: Kind of.
Matt: No?
(Give me your pants)Craig: Oh, come one! Why?! It’s a %$#%# you ass! (Yes.) You embarrass me! (Yes.) Sorry.
Matt: No, don’t worry. Craig: Uh, it’s all right.
Craig: So, um, what, how long ago when you do Doctor Who then, cause you don’t Doctor Who forever, do you?
Matt: Well, no. I mean, I doubt it. Tom Baker did it for seven years.
Craig: Really.
Matt: Yeah, yeah.
Craig: That was, that was my Doctor. That was the fourth.
Matt: Who is it? Yeah, was, was, he was great.
Craig:  He “scarved” [scarf wearing] very good. YeahMatt: I love Tom Baker. He was, was brilliant. Uh, well, you know I take a year at time, and I mean I’m gonna do this year, and then, and then, uh, maybe, maybe, maybe do next year’s, but I would like to…Craig: Are you filming any of the show at the, in the United States?
Matt: We are, in Utah.
Craig: Hoo, oh, yeah.
Matt: Monument Valley, man! Yeah, yeah, It’s gonna be great. It’s good it’d be, uh, uh, I think it broadens the, you know, the scale of the show makes it epic and vast, and everything that Utah and Monument Valley is.
Craig: You’ve been to Utah before?
Matt: No, I haven’t. It’s gorgeous. Although, I’ve seen it, it’s where uh, Tom Hanks, when he’s got his beard, in the Forrest Gump.
Craig: He doesn’t live there, you know he lives in the L.A. you know all right?
Matt: Yeah, I know, I know, I know. And he’s running and he stops.
Craig: Oh, that’s right! In Forrest uh… Forrest (Gump!), Forrest “swizka,” (yeah!)…, Gump!
Matt: Ha, ha!
Craig: Do you enjoy Forrest Gump that film?
Matt: I love Forrest Gump.
Craig: Would you ever run across America?
Matt: No.
Craig: Do you run? You’re quite thin. Do you run?
Matt: Uh, well, thank you very much, so are you.
Craig:  Not as thin as you, you’re like David Bowie thin, I’m just like…Matt: No…no, no, no, no, no. But yeah I, I like swim and I like to keep fit.
Craig: Do you swim?
Matt: I do, man, yeah.
Craig: Oh, that’s nice.
Matt: Do you swim?
Craig: No.
Matt: No?
Craig: No, I’m against swimming, hahaha. Yeah, I look forward to your lashes, uh--I can’t believe you’re against swimming! People get very angry. I’ve, I’m a bit crossed tonight, but I, I can’t really go with what I sang.
Matt: Oh~! That ought to be crossed, you were brilliant. It was really brilliant, I, can’t…, I mean yeah. And a whole day rehearsing’s work.
Craig: I know. Two day’s rehearsal, that’s more than I’ve done in the entire seven years of being here whatever.
Craig: I’m here with Matt Smith who plays the doctor in the show called Doctor Who. Now, but the doctor’s not called Doctor Who.
Matt: He’s called the Doctor.
Craig: Right, um, yes. Did you watch the show when you were a kid in Britain?
Matt: No, because I was part of what I called the “barren age” where they took it off the, the, the air, the BBC. So I didn’t get it as a kid, and…you did right?
Craig: Well, I’m bit older than you actually, Mattatt then. …Yeah.
Matt: But, you got to be so wake at ten then watch it and be scared doing that. I’m not…up to bed.
Craig: I was very very frightened of. Yeah, you see the thing is that, trying to explain to my American family and friends how frightening this Dalek’s near killing my group (Yeah). “Boy, it’s an espresso machine.”  I’m like no, no! It’s, it’s a terrifying creature from another world. They’re like, no, it looks like it would make a very interesting cup of coffee.
Matt: I know, I, like, I love the fact that someone else, if it was male or female, what…what…, (I know.) what the hella has the doctor gone?
Craig: It’s wearing a big metal dress.
Matt: I know, yeah.
Craig: Yeah, you’re right, I don’t know. But it’s covered in bowls.
Matt: yeah, it is.
