英伦广角 2010-07-18 谷歌CEO笑谈互联网审查(在线收听

China, what's going on? Have you heard from the government? Yes, yes, we talked to them a great deal. Today? I've not talked to them today, using the excuse that I was out of the country, you know in a different country. The history was that we decided that we did not, you know, the laws require active censorship. We decided to move to Hongkong, former British protectorate, thank you very much. And the pitch in China is "One country, Two systems." We like the other system better. So we moved our service to Hongkong. And the way the censorship works is that Chinese government has a, what was known as the great firewall of China which sits there. And, you know, I don't like to talk about it very much. But basically, content goes through it and some content doesn't make it to the other side. That's how censorship was done. So we made this decision pretty much, you know, narrowly based on the things that happened to us to great fanfare. And that's been placed now for a few months. As a part of, our operations in Mainland China we needed a license called the ICP license in order to run our businesses there. And the Chinese government said, look, you have to make a few more changes, you have to get rid of what is called the redirect, and we didn't exactly have a lot of choice. So we made that change, and that change was done earlier this week.
