英伦广角 2010-12-12 学生街头游行抵抗学费涨价(在线收听

The police were probably glad of bad weather, but the conditions did not deter a hardy few thousands who turned out for a third day of protest. By now the 2 sides had ... strategies and this time, the students went for one of surprise. They ignored the plan root towards parliament, switching up and disbursing instead into side streets, locking traffic in some of the capital's busiest roads. After lost way, the students would determine not to be contained by the police. People with loud speakers shouted: Don't get cattle.And for much of the afternoon, the 2 sides played a game of Cat and Mouse around central London. Some well contained for time outside barking in palace. The metro police in place reverting to the controversial strategy, students to organises insisted this is not justified. If they catalyze again today, I think we will see a very strong message people across the country that the police in this country are willing to destroy people's rights to protest and lock people down in snowing conditions in central London. I think that's absolutely outrageous.
There were clashes with the police and some of the rests. Officers have deployed in large numbers especially around parliament square. The students are focused on the coalition and this demo comes just days before the vote on tuition fees takes place.
Despite pass trouble, many teenagers turned out. They say with their parents' blessing. The pupils of today are the uiversity students of tomorrow.
The right total tuition should be determined by how much you want to learn and how much you want knowledge rather than how much your parents have. See so many young people for the same courses. It's amazing. It just shows that people ...... and I am gonna stand for it.
We saw young people out there saying that they didn't want this happen. And we decided that we wanted to join in and make our voices heard. And they promised to be back as did so many others pledging to keep the pressure up between now and the voting parliament, marching taking direct action and occupying university property. We are now endless to lose. This is the biggest fight in my life. This is the fight for the right definition of education as a whole.
Tonight, the most determined are still braving the elements in the standoff with the police, back to Trafalgar Square where the march started. It could be a very long evening.
