
by Julia Koprak

As the Internet continues to grow, more and more people are turning away from newspapers and TV. Instead, they rely on the Internet as their main source of information. In the past few years, every big media company from MTV to CNN has begun to provide online video clips for the public. Now, everyone can catch the latest news, sports events, movie previews, and more with a click of the mouse.

Up until recently, this online technology was reserved only for skilled people with ultra-high speed web access. However, with the advent of cell phone video cameras and various video-sharing websites, it has become much easier for everyday people to display their filmmaking ability on the Internet. Most of these websites are totally free, and allow users to upload short clips that are viewable by the public. In addition, it is fast and simple to pass along videos to your friends. All you have to do is copy a link in an email or embed the video in a webpage.

But not everyone is happy with the recent video-sharing craze on the web. Not surprisingly, the content that people upload extends well beyond the realm of personal home videos; some of the videos may have inappropriate or even illegal content. Although many of these sites contain filters to control the spread of copyrighted or obscene material, with thousands of different videos being uploaded every day, it is difficult for these website owners to maintain control over what is posted. They often only restrict certain videos when an offense has been brought to their attention by outside sources.


1. media n. 媒体

2. clip n. 剪辑的短片

3. preview n.(戏剧、电影的)预告片

4. ultra-high a. 超高的

5. access n. 管道

6. upload vt.(将资料)上传

7. viewable a. 可看见的

8. link n. 连结

9. embed vt. 嵌进

10. extend vi. 扩展,延伸

11. realm n. 领域

12. inappropriate a. 不适当的

13. filter n. 过滤器

14. obscene a. 猥亵的

15. post vt.(在网络上)张贴(文章等)

16. offense n. 违法行为


1. turn away from...  自……转开

2. a click of the mouse  点一下鼠标


1. rely on...  依赖……(= count/depend on...)
例: Since you are an adult, you shouldn't rely on your parents anymore.

2. reserve vt. 保留;预订
preserve vt. 保存(使免遭破坏)
conserve vt. 节约(能源等)
例: We've reserved the banquet room for the wedding dinner.
例: Use this special paper to preserve your photos for years to come.
例: We should turn off the lights when we're not using them to conserve energy.

3. with the advent of... 随着……的到来∕出现
advent n. 到来,来临
例: With the advent of genetic testing, this disease may soon be wiped out.

4. well adv. 远远地
例: The price of this car is well past what I can afford.

5. restrict vt. 限制
be restricted to N/V-ing  局限在……
= be limited to N/V-ing
例: Access to the locker room is restricted to women only.

6. bring...to one's attention 引起某人对……的注意
例: I'm sorry to be the one to bring the matter to your attention, but someone had to tell you.


随着因特网不断成长,越来越多人不再看报纸和电视。这些人转而依赖网络作为主要的信息来源。过去几年来,像MTV 和 CNN 等大型媒体都开始提供在线短片供大众观赏。现在,只要按一下鼠标就可以得知最新的新闻、运动赛事、和电影预告等种种讯息。
直到最近这在线科技都只限于大频宽的技术人员能够使用。然而,随着有录像功能的手机和各式各样的影片分享网站出现,要在网上展现制片技巧越来越容易了。这些网站大多都是免费的,并且可让使用者上传短片供大众欣赏。此外,要将影片传给朋友也是快速又简单的事:只要复制连结到电子邮件 中,或是把影片内嵌在网页即可。
