
by Rachel A. Black

In the 1930s, actresses on the silver screen looked elegant and sophisticated. What was the finishing touch to their look that made women across the Western world wish to imitate them? It was the perfect polish on their long fingernails.

Manicuring and painting nails is not a new thing. The first known instances of nail care date back to China in 3000 BC when members of the royal family used a mixture of silver, gold, egg whites, and beeswax to color and protect their nails. The paint used on fingernails in the 1930s and today, however, was actually made possible as a result of innovations in the automotive paint industry.

The cosmetics company Revlon was started in 1932. Its founders used nail polishes that were pigment-based instead of dyes, and they had polishes available in a variety of colors. Up until that point, nail polish was only available in various shades of red. Revlon also brought in vogue the idea of matching nail and lip color.

During the first half of the 20th century, men would receive manicures along with a haircut, shave, and shoeshine in a package deal. Over time, manicures for men went out of fashion. Yet, in the 1990's, men once again started to care about the appearance of their nails. Now, men and women alike can be seen in nail salons getting their nails cleaned, trimmed, polished, and even painted. From natural to acrylic, fingernails come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Getting a manicure is one way to pamper yourself and look well kept without breaking the bank.

1. What detail made it possible for actresses in films of the 1930s to influence Western women?
(A) Silver screens that made them look impressive.
(B) Dyes that matched nail and lip color.
(C) Car paint adapted for use on fingernails.
(D) The larger-than-life size of the actresses.

2. Why wasn't nail polishing popular outside of the royal family in China?
(A) Commoners did not have silver or gold.
(B) People outside the royal family were busy.
(C) Everyday people did not have access to eggs.
(D) Regular men and women used cream instead.

3. If a person "breaks the bank," they ______.
(A) break into a bank
(B) steal a great amount of money
(C) spend a fortune on something
(D) take all of their money out their account


1.finishing touch/touches  最后的润饰
*此处的 touch 表『润饰、点缀』之意。
例: The finishing touch to the party was when our boss gave all of us envelopes full of cash.

2.date back to...  追溯至……
例: That style of hat actually dates back to the 1960s.
(那种款式的帽子实际上可追溯至 1960 年代。)

3.a variety of...  各式各样的……
例: We have a variety of different things to do to get ready for the party. I don't even know where to start.

4.in vogue  蔚为风尚
vogue n. 流行,风尚
例: Last year, long wavy hair was really in vogue with younger women.

5.package deal  整套服务∕商品∕交易
例: The woman told her new boyfriend that she and her five kids were a package deal.

6.come in...  有……款式∕尺寸∕颜色等
例: The shoe comes in sizes two to 13. I'm sorry, but we don't have a 14.
(这双鞋的尺寸从 2 号到 13 号都有。但很抱歉,没有 14 号。)

7.pamper vt. 纵容;宠
例: My husband pampers me by massaging my feet every evening.

8.break the bank  花大钱
例: That new cell phone you bought must have broken the bank.

9.adapt vt. 改造,改装 & vt. & vi.(使)适应
adapt (oneself to) N/V-ing  (使自己)适应……
= adjust (oneself to) N/V-ing  
例: It's hard to adapt myself to the hectic life of this city.

10.have access to...  有取得……的管道
例: Do you have access to the latest music-making software?

11.break into...  闯进……
例: I have this odd feeling that someone broke into my room last night.


1. sophisticated a. 世故的;精致的

2. polish n. 指甲油(= nail polish)& vt. 擦亮

3. manicure vt. 修剪(指甲)& n. 修指甲

4. beeswax n. 蜂蜡

5. innovation n. 新发明(可数);创新(不可数)

6. automotive a. 汽车的

7. cosmetics n. 化妆品

8. pigment-based a. 以颜料为底的

9. dye n. 染料

10. shade n.(颜色的)浓淡,深浅

11. salon n. 沙龙

12. trim vt. 修整

13. acrylic a. 压克力的

14. well kept  悉心照料的

15. commoner n. 平民


1.along with...  连同……
 = together with...

2.go/be out of fashion  不流行
 be in fashion  流行

3.A and B alike  A 与 B
 = both A and B


指甲修护与彩绘不是件新奇的事。最早为人所知的指甲护理可追溯至公元前三千年的中国,当时皇族成员混合金、银、蛋白和蜂蜡来为指甲上色并保护指甲。而这种从 1930 年代至今都被使用的原料,实际上却是汽车烤漆工业创新发明的结果。
化妆品公司露华浓创始于 1932 年。创办人舍弃染料而改以颜料为底色的指甲油,并提供各种颜色。到那时为止,指甲油还只有深浅不同的红色而已。露华浓也带动指甲搭配唇色的流行风潮。
二十世纪前半,男性所接受的指甲修护包含在理发、刮胡子和擦鞋的成套服务内。随着时间过去,男性的指甲修护逐渐落伍。到了 1990 年代,男性再度开始关心自己指甲的样子。如今不论男女都会光顾指甲美容中心,享受清洁、修剪、磨光,甚至彩绘的指甲服务。从天然材质到压克力材质,指甲有各种形状、尺寸和颜色。让自己纵情享受一次指甲修护服务,不需花大钱就能呈现个人完美的一面。

1. 1930 年代电影中的女演员能影响西方女性的细节是什么?
(A) 让她们看起来令人印象深刻的荧光幕。
(B) 搭配指甲与唇色的染料。
(C) 汽车烤漆经改良后用在指甲上。
(D) 比实际尺寸还大的女演员。
题解: 根据本文第二段及第三段,指甲油的原料是汽车烤漆工业创新发明的结果,1930 年代由露华浓公司将其应用在指甲上,可知 (C) 为正选。

2. 为什么中国皇族以外的人不流行擦指甲油?
(A) 平民没有金或银。
(B) 皇族以外的人都很忙。
(C) 一般人无法取得蛋。
(D) 一般人用奶油取而代之。
题解: 根据第二段,皇族成员混合金、银、蛋白和蜂蜡来为指甲上色并保护指甲,但昂贵的金和银并非平民所能拥有,故 (A) 应为正选。

3. 如果一个人 "breaks the bank",那么他 _____。
(A) 闯入银行
(B) 偷很多钱
(C) 花一大笔钱做某件事
(D) 把钱全部从户头领出来
题解: "break the bank" 指『花大笔金钱』,故选 (C)。

1.(C) 2.(A) 3.(C)
